Lazy Morning(JxA)fluff

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James's POV:
I slowly started opening my eyes, shutting them almost immediately with a groan at the blinding light coming in from the window. All I want to do is stay in my warm sheets all day, but I know I have to film today...

I start to doze off again until I feel a small shuffling next to me and a whispered;

"Good morning, love" from a tired sounding Alex. I kept my eyes shut and tried to steady my breathing but Alex wasn't fooled. He let out a small chuckle and soon I felt a small, cold hand stroking my face.

"I know you're awake, James, c'mon we have to get up, soon" Alex whispered, still stroking my beard. I couldn't help but nuzzle slightly into his hands, to which I immediately felt the hands retract.

"Ha, I knew you're awake!" Alex shouted triumphantly. I winced at the noise, my head throbbing. I half opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light coming in from the window;

"Alex, please, the window" I mumbled, trying to get even further down the warm bed. I felt Alex's weight come off his side of the bed, then innocently ask;

"Open the window? Ok!" Alex teased as he pulled the curtains open fully and opened the window, letting in a cold blast of air.

"No, Al, please!!" I begged; "just come back to bed for a bit, I feel awful."

"You want me to come back to bed so you can infect me with your awfulness? And I thought you loved me!" Alex said in mock shock.

I couldn't help but smile at his silly antics. Opening my eyes almost fully and taking in my familiar surroundings, I rubbed my forehead with my palm, trying to soothe my mind. I always seemed to be thinking about something, someone, things I'm worried about and worry about things that were actually going well in my life.

"You know what I mean, Al. I just wanted to stay warm in bed, but at least now I have a better exit from this now freezing cold room" I joked, nodding at the window.

"Oh, stop it." Alex still smiled at my awful joke, and his smile made me smile. I felt so lucky to have him.

Alex threw on a hoodie, and just before leaving the room he looked back at me and said,
"Will you promise me to get up soon?" Alex asked, with a small smile.

I sighed, scratching my chin, "yeah, promise. Ill be in the kitchen in a few."

Alex nodded, turning to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. I lazily stretched my arms, slowly getting up out of bed. I changed quickly enough into a red hoodie and some comfy black tracksuit bottoms, pausing for a second to comb up my hair with my fingers in the mirror. After putting on some deodorant, I went to walk down the hallway to the kitchen to talk to Alex.

I grabbed my phone off the hall table, and as I walked down the hall, I quickly checked my messages. Turning the corner from the hallway into the kitchen, suddenly I hit into something. That something let out a small scream of surprise, dropping the tray he was holding.

""James what're you doing!" Alex yelled, scrambling to get a towel to wipe up the spilled coffee on the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Al, let me help" I quickly said, grabbing the bowl and pieces of coffee mug off the floor while Alex was trying to mop up the spill.

"Wait, what is all this?" I asked, confused. Before I bumped into him, Alex was carrying one of our trays with coffee, toast and a small bagel on it.

"Well I thought you'd never get out of bed, so I figured I should feed you" he smiled, not paying attention to the spill next to him on the floor.

"Oh, thanks love, but you don't have to d-" I started, until Alex suddenly jerked his head downwards and shouted;

"Aw shite" he said, looking down at his now bleeding thumb. He looked at me, face pale and eyes wide and said in a small voice, "I think I cut myself."

"Oh no, here you need to hold it under cold water" I said, ushering him over to the sink. I know Alex kind of has a phobia of blood so I kept him talking and looking away from his finger. When it stopped bleeding, he was still looking pretty pale and shaky so I instructed him to lie down on the couch for a bit, while I cleaned up the rest of the mess.

After about ten minutes of cleaning, I was done. I poured a glass of chocolate milk for Alex and made myself another coffee, then brought both of the drinks over to the couch. Alex smiled at me as I sat down next to him, offering him his chocolate milk.

"D'you feel any better?" I asked.

"Yeah, a bit I suppose," he replied. "I feel kinda bad though, I was trying to bring you breakfast, but it ended up the other way round."

I smiled at the innocent look on Alex's face. "it's fine love, you've done it for me many times before." I reassured him.

He just smiled at me again. "thanks for taking care of me, by the way." He said, waving his bandaged finger at me.

"Anytime, love" I replied, feeling so lucky to have this amazing man in my life.

Just feeling kinda meh for the last while. Might post a few angst/fluffy chapters for the next few parts. Have a great weekend everyone ❣️

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