1960. pt 2 (GxW) (Fluff)

407 21 4

George's POV:

I lie perfectly still, my hands resting on my stomach, the night seeming colder and quieter than usual. I sigh as I roll over to check the time.

Roughly twenty minutes to one according to my wristwatch. I quietly groan in annoyance as I set it back down on my desk and shut my eyes again, hoping this time I'll be able to drift off. No such luck.

Even when I close my eyes and try to still my mind I still find myself worrying about Will. What do I say to him tomorrow when I have to see him at work? I can't just pretend like he doesn't exist, he'll think I hate him.

And as much as I try to deny it, I don't.

But I still can't tell him that. Or tell anyone for that matter. The lads at school could beat the shite out of you for even dressing queer. Friends turn to enemies real fast if they think they'll be labeled a poof too.

But Will's different. I've never met a boy who will actually admit he's a... homosexual. Around school it's the go to insult but never actually thought of as a real thing. Like if you're taking too long to get changed after Gym classes the others call you a poof and tell all the girls you're trying to get your hair just right or something. But it's just a joke, most of the time...

I also can't stop thinking about that comment Will made, about me never having a girlfriend. I just don't want to. And it's not like I couldn't get one if I tried, I got three Valentine's in my locker last year, all girls asking to go on a date with me, I just... What was the reason I told them no? They were all fine girls, with nice hair and brightly painted lips, all smiling at me, I just didn't feel anything in particular towards them. I know they were pretty, any fool could tell you that, I just didn't feel what the other boys talk about so boldly in the locker room when telling everyone about the things they would do with the girls they went out with.

I've tried to imagine doing those things with a girl before, holding her hand and kissing her, but I just feel stupid. This mystery girl disappears from my mind's eye and I'm left in my bedroom, alone, embarrassed and still full of questions.

I barely even remember closing my eyes, but next thing I knew I was awoken by the sounds of Brian stomping around his and my mum's bedroom. I rub my eyes as I pick my watch up off my desk and glance at the time before realising I was extremally late. No time to gel my hair up or deliberate on what shirt to wear, hell, I was still stuffing papers in my satchel as I slammed the front door shut.

School was a bore as always, but a good distraction at least. I found myself wishing the clock would go slower, just so I could avoid the torture of having to find something to say to Will for just a minute longer. It was the last class far too soon and I even took my time packing up my things for my walk to the shop.

But, inevitably, I ended up walking into the familiar scent of sweat and grease, saying hi to a few coworkers along the way. I hadn't seen Will yet so I was praying he was late or sick or something.

I pushed the door to the backroom open and sighed as I threw my schoolbag down on the table. I reached up for my uniform when out of nowhere I hear;

"What's up lad? Hope your not sighing cos of me, that'd be awkward wouldn't it?"

I don't think it was too obvious but I felt like I nearly jumped out of my skin at hearing a voice in the presumably empty room I was just minding my own business in. I instinctively held a hand to my heart as I turned to see Will in the corner. It looked like I had just walked in on him changing as he had his uniform shirt in one hand and was currently only wearing his trousers and a grey vest.

"Oh, shit, sorry, I didn't know you were in here," I apologized, my heart seeming to beat faster at the sight of him. With fear or with relief I don't know, but it felt like I was about to collapse.

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