Rejection... (AxW)

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Alex's POV:
Tonight's the night. I'll finally tell Will that I've... I've what? Having a crush on him sounds so childish and stupid, but he'll just make a joke and unknowingly wriggle out of it if I just say I like him. I need to man up and ask him out properly... Oh God, the thought of it terrifies me, I feel kinda sick but I'll just have to get over it. I need to make tonight count.

A few hours later:
Ok, everything's set up, Will's nearly here and everything looks perfect. I spent the last hour cleaning up, lighting my scented candles I know Will likes, and put just one blanket on the couch, just in case. I have on my pink hoodie and white jeans Will never fails to make fun of me for, but in a sweet way.

As soon as I heard the first knock, I froze, halfway through rearranging the cushions and blanket on the couch for the third time. This is it, Alex, I told myself. No backing out now. I took a deep breath and briskly walked over to the door, placing my hand on the cold knob before pulling it open.

There stood Will, in one of his favorite hoodies and a "your mother" rainbow tracksuit, pizza in one hand and a huge smile plastered across his face. He sauntered into the room like he lived there. I mean, he may as well, me and George had him over nearly every day now to record or do a podcast or just hang out.

"Hey, Al. I went ahead and got your favourite since you're hosting this movie night. What're we watching?" Will asked, setting the pizza out next to the napkins on our small coffee table.

I smiled at him, shutting the door and grabbing the TV remote to show him.

"Thought we could watch a horror. I've never seen this but I've heard it's good..." I trailed off before selecting The Exorcist on Netflix. I know for a fact Will loves this film, it's one of his favourite movies of all time, he says it's cos he practically grew up on  horror movies.

A huge grin on Will's face, he looks at me almost in awe,

"You've never seen this?" He asks, flabbergasted. I shake my head no and smile, pretending to not understand.

"I mean if you don't want to watch it that's fine, just thought you might like it since I know you're really into horror..." I teased, my smile widening by the second as Will kept up to grab the remote from my hand.

"No way, man! This is one of my favourite movies of all time! I practically grew up on horror, this was one of the first horror flicks I ever saw" Will exclaimed as he played the movie, making himself comfortable on the couch. I smiled, pleased he was so happy. He looked so sweet sprawled on the couch, watching the TV intently before suddenly flicking his eyes over to meet mine.

"Come on, Al, you're missing it" Will said, shuffling over to make room for me on the couch.

I walked over and grabbed a slice of pizza and a napkin, then settled down beside Will to watch the movie. As I sank down into the couch cushions he patted my knee as thanks for the movie, gazing into my eyes for a matter of seconds, but felt like hours, with a small grin, before turning away to watch the movie. I, however, paid almost no attention to the movie, as I was too distracted by my own nervousness and eager for it to be over so I could finally tell Will the thing I've wanted to tell him for months...

After the movie:

"Thanks, Al. That was so great! Did you like it?" Will asked eagerly. I snapped out of my daze and tried to remember literally anything about the movie I could comment on.

"Uh, yeah, it was really... Scary." Wills forehead wrinkled in confusion at that. I nervously continued, "um, the actress was really good?" I could hear my voice getting higher as it became even more obvious I was bluffing.

"Ah, come off it mate. I know you weren't watching properly, you're the biggest scaredy cat I know and you didn't even flinch." Will smiled and playfully punched me in the arm. "I know you and I know that you don't zone out that much unless there's something on your mind. Wanna tell me?"

Ok Alex, deep breaths now. Calm down. This is it. You just need to be straight up with him and hope he feels the same way. Unless... No, you can't think like that Alex, be positive, otherwise you'll never tell him. Will looked at me expectingly, smiling encouragingly.

I took another deep breath before smiling at Will, looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"Will, I've wanted to tell you this for a while. I really like you, and I- I'd love it if you would go on a date with me." I smiled hopefully at Will, feeling like my heart was going to explode. Biting my lip, I waited for his answer.

But he didn't. Answer, that is. I saw his smile slowly fading, then he gulped, making his Adams apple bob nervously. He looked down at his hands which were now nervously picking at his skin. I felt my heart sink as he slowly looked up, sadness in his eyes.

"Uh, Alex, I'm sorry I don't really know what to say. I'm not gay, I don't know what to tell you." Will's eyes finally met mine, but at this point my heart was beating so fast and so loud I could barely focus on his eyes that I was so distracted by just a few hours before.

"Alex, this doesn't have to change anything between us. We can still be friends..." Will continued, anxiously trying to make eye contact, but at this point I had my skinny arms wrapped around my knees, trying to hide how close to crying I was.

"Ok, Will. It's fine, seriously." I said, cursing my shaking voice. How could I have thought he would ever go out with me?

"Alex, you know I care about you, just not in that way, and this doesn't have to change anything" Will repeated, looking down again nibbling his bottom lip.

Oh Will, you and I both know we can't go back. I'll always have feelings for you, I'll always wish and hope my little heart out but it won't change a thing. And now you'll always second guess everything I do for you, anytime we hang out, it'll be in the back of your mind.

"Maybe you should just go, Will" I said, clearing up the pizza and beer cans on the table, just to give me something to do other than look at Will. Anything but having to face him.

"Ok, Alex. I'll- I'll see you round yeah? Talk soon?" Will's voice wavered with uncertainty, not at all like his usual self. I could tell he wasn't going to leave until I said something, so I just nodded and tried to smile. He looked relieved to see me smile, so he flashed me another awkward grin and waved goodbye as he walked out.

As soon as he was out the door, I dropped everything I was clearing up and went to my room. I curled up in a ball on my bed and took deep breaths, just to process what had just happened. I asked out Will. Will told me he's not gay and doesn't like me like that. I now can't talk to Will for at least a few days to avoid any awkwardness.

I cringed when I thought of seeing Will again. Thank God I don't have to see him till at least Saturday, George usually asks the lads over to play FIFA or some shit. Oh God, I'll have to tell George what happened. He wont accept it if I tell him I just don't want Will to come over, he'd probably just go to Will to find out, which would be even worse.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes and roll over onto my side. I don't wanna think about Will anymore, I just want to sleep for a while. I close my eyes, not bothered to get into pyjamas, but even in my dreams I can't forget about Will. I can't stop seeing his adorable face crumble as I told him, his awkward wave as he left, and I can't help but hate myself for making him feel like that. I can't help but hate myself for liking him in the first place, so the last thing I feel before slipping off into sleep, is a warm tear running down my cheek.

1476 words.
So, yeah. Just felt like writing something depressing, to pass my depressingness onto ye, so you're welcome. Vote and comment any ships or suggestions as always, really looking for some new plotlines to write about, I welcome any suggestions ye have. Thanks for 120 votes and 1.5K views, that's mental, thank you so much for the support. As always I hope this made your week a little easier, have a great week <3

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