Roommates (AxG)

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George's POV:

I was sitting at my desk one day, editing as usual. I had already spent an hour trying to edit a few videos for the next week, but couldn't think properly. I sighed, and decided to get up and get a drink or something. Getting up for the first time in hours, I took off my hoodie cos it was pretty hot and stuffy in my room at that point and made my way to the kitchen.

I was rooting through the fridge for some snacks and heard the bathroom door opening. Alex had been in the shower, so I jokingly shouted,
"Hey, Al, would you leave some water for me next time?"

I heard him laughing from down the hall and pattering into his room. Less then a minute later, I heard soft, careful footsteps coming up the hallway. I left the fridge at that point and looked in some of the presses. I saw some pretzels at the back of the press and reached up to grab them, but I couldn't quite reach, so I tried to go on my tip toes but still, no dice. Suddenly I saw a small hand reaching up into the press and grabbing the bag, and feel another hand on my lower back, then I hear;

"Well you're one to talk about me using up the water, when you're always stealing my snacks" Alex teased.

I turned round to make a sarcastic comeback, but the words caught in my throat when I saw that Alex, with his hair still damp from his shower, was shirtless. I stood, like an idiot, gaping at Alex's toned, flat stomach for a few seconds before snapping out of it as Alex said;

"Y'alright mate?" Alex asked. "Hey actually, have you seen my pink hoodie anywhere? It's been missing for a little while, but I might have just left it at Will's last week."

For some reason, I was still finding it hard to concentrate.

"Uh, no mate, haven't seen it." I tried to smile as Alex finally made eye contact with me while putting some of his pretzels in a bowl. Alex picked his bowl up off the counter and smiled back at me saying;

"Well if I can't find my pink hoodie I might just have to have a look in your wardrobe for something to wear." He cheekily smiled at me and flounced off down the hallway to find a hoodie to wear.

"I'd rather you didn't" I muttered as Alex was walking out of the kitchen.

I've known for a while now that I'm bi, but I haven't really told any of my friends properly, apart from Joshy on a very drunken game of club penguin at three am. He said he supported me and was happy for me, so I don't know why I haven't told my other friends yet.

I could hear Alex rooting around in my room and decided to go make sure he hasn't stolen all my hoodies. As I walked into the room I could see him on my bed looking in the mirror at the hoodie he had on, a grey hoodie, my old merch of a penguin calling another penguin clapped.

"What do you think of this one? I like it." He asked, in an almost childish tone. I laughed and said,

"Yeah, you look great mate." He blushed at that, trying to hide his face in the hoodie.

"Shut up, George..." Alex quietly said, still blushing. "God, this is so gay."

"Well, what's wrong with that?" I quietly asked, so Alex could pretend to have not heard me if he wanted to. But he reacted in a way I didn't really expect, his head shooting up to face me, his lips already forming the question;

"Wait, you're..." He started, before I cut him off,

"Not gay. Bi. I've known for a while now." I said, wanting to avoid any more questions.

"Well, I'm proud of you mate, but why didn't you tell me sooner? Have you told the rest of the lads?" He asked.

"No I haven't told everyone yet, just Joshy and my mum and stuff." I said. "it's not that big of a deal, really."

Alex looked shocked at that statement. Perking up a bit he said, "well, great, now I can bring you to gay bars with me" he joked.
"But really, why have you told me now, and not with everyone else at the same time?" Alex asked innocently.

"Well, you see, Al... Uh, it's kind of, complicated I suppose... You see, I kind of, may, possibly, have a crush on you." I gulped at the end of my sentence and looked at the floor, not wanting to see how Alex would react. When I finally looked up, Alex spoke;

"Uh, wow, that's, em.... Wow. I mean we could, of course if you wanted to, you don't have to, but we could, maybe, uh..." Alex said before I cut him off.

"Alex, d'you wanna go out with me sometime?" I asked, full of happiness and fear at the same time.

"Yeah, George I do." He said almost immediately, a smile on his face. "But you know it could be ages before we could actually get to go out. We both have videos to edit, things to film, work to do..." He trailed off, while getting off my bed and walking towards me. When he got close enough he slowly reached out his small, slightly shaky hand and took mine.

Alex got close enough so I could see his long, beautiful eyelashes under the wave of his dark fringe. My hear started beating faster and faster until he was close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my face. I saw he was looking at my lips, so I leaned in at the same time he did and our lips met in the middle.

His kiss was soft and cautious, and tasted like the cherry lip balm he wore every winter. I melted into our kiss and after a few seconds he pulled his lips back from mine. I was breathing quite shallowly at this point, and was still trying to process what has just happened in my head. Alex gave me the cutest toothy grin I've ever seen then whispered into my ear,

"Thanks for the hoodie by the way"

1067 words.
Hey, this is the second chapter I've posted in a few days, I was just feeling like I needed a cute story to smile when I think about it, and thus this chapter was born. Vote and comment if you like this ship and I might do more of them.
Goodnight, hope you all have a great week. :P

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