Rejection, Part 2!!!(AxW)

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So one of my lovely readers asked for a part two of "Rejection...", so if you haven't read part one, go read it. I'd love some feedback on whether this kinda plot is something ye might like to see more of...

Alex's POV:
As my eyes slowly opened, I was immediately met by my phone lighting up with a notification, dimly lighting up my dark room. I grabbed my phone quickly turned down the brightness as I squinted at the blinding light. A text, from George.

I rolled my eyes. Surely he would actually get up from the other room to talk to me if he needed me? Well apparently not. Sighing, I opened the message, only to be greeted with harsh words.

Wtf is up with you and Will?

Shit. I was hoping to avoid this conversation for at least another day...
But how does he know about it? Will can't have told him, otherwise George wouldn't be asking me, so how?...

                                        Why do you ask?

I tried to breathe deeply, trying to get my anxiety under control. Oh God, if I had a pound for every time I said that... I really would be making 50K a month... I sat up in bed, my eyes adjusting to the gloomyness. Somehow my room looked different. Everything was how I left it last night but it was still different. I just couldn't put my finger on it...

My phone screen lit up again, another text, and I pounced on it almost immediately.

Idk, usually you never stop
going on about Will and
you didn't text me about
your movie night last night...

Just thought it was kinda

How does he know? I've literally not even seen him since last night and he thinks its weird. Maybe it's just cos I left all the pizza and stuff out, usually I'm such a neat freak about stuff like that. I hurriedly text him back, trying to change the conversation.

                                    Well, maybe I just
                                                 forgot ok?
                                  Anyways, why can't
                                you just come in here
                                   and say what you
                                           want to say?

I really hope that'll shut him up instead of egg him on. Anyways it's Wednesday, he's probably doing a big shop or something. He likes to get to Tesco's kinda early so he can avoid being there with a lot of people.

I'm sick of lying in bed at this point. Why should I mope over Will when it's clearly never gonna happen? I know why, cos I still really like h- No, Alex you can't think like that! I shake my head to get my subconscious to stop arguing with itself. I drag my arse out of bed and go to open the blinds.

Quietly cursing my cold wood floors on my un-stockinged feet, I walked over to my window and on the count of three, pulled open my curtains. After some momentary blindness, I saw that it was a horrible rainy day outside. Great. Just what I need to get me in a good mood...

Grabbing my phone off my bed, I check my messages from George as I walk down the hall to the kitchen. He sent me a few more texts.

Jesus, Al, I know you're
not a morning person but
this is a bit much lol

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