A shitty Christmas turned sweet(AxW)

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Alex's POV:
Not again. For fucks sake. For at least the third year in a row I'm listening to shouting and swearing and crying on Christmas. It's funny, I thought they would be able to hold off till after dinner this year.

"WELL YOU'RE NEVER HOME FOR US" Mum screamed, it sounded like she was crying.


Emily was gone out, left 10 minutes ago when the fight first started. She's so lucky. She's 20 now, so she has her own car and millions of college friends she can go hang out with. I begged her to let me come with her as she grabbed her keys but she refused. So here I am.

I curl up even smaller on my bed, trying to block out the fighting. It didn't work, but I wasn't surprised. My phone suddenly dinged, and I grabbed it off my bedside table almost immediately. It was a text from Will. It said;

Will: so u know how you said your Christmas was going to be worse than mine? Not a chance... but I stole a bottle of Mam's vodka, wanna meet up and have a little party?

I bit my bottom lip, considering. What harm would it be to meet Will and get absolutely smashed? I'd rather it than sitting up here listening to screaming and crying all night. I sighed, and texted back;

Alex: just u wait to hear about my shit day. When and where?

Half an hour later, I was jogging down the road to Will's house which was only about half a kilometer from mine, but it felt like miles and miles. After sneaking out my window I climbed over the fence around my garden (ripping my tracksuit when I stumbled on the sharp pebbles) and made my way to Wills.

We were gonna hang out in the woods behind his house, we had built a den (more like a shed really) there when we were smaller, which was now mostly used for smoking, drinking and occasionally Will would bring girls there for a snog. I'd never been there with anyone but him, but that's just cos I've never had a girlfriend before. Will teases me about it sometimes but I try to not let it bother me.

As I snuck around his house I tried to do as my therapist said,to get rid of all these negative thoughts and just focus on what's happening now. My parents are fighting at home so I'm just gonna hang out with Will for a while. I've known Will for most of my life and I can tell him anything and he tells me everything. It'll be fine.

As I near the shed I can hear music playing. Will must be pretty annoyed to blare his awful music in an attempt to block everyone out. I push open the door and look into the dimly lit room. Will's radio is on the floor in the corner, still blaring music and Will himself is lying on the old couch staring up at the ceiling, a bottle in his hand. 

"Hey," I say, walking to the corner and turning off the music. "Can I've some?"

Nodding, Will held out the half empty bottle. I grabbed it and took a few sips. I leaned against the rotting wood wall, sighed, and took another gulp.

"Wanna talk about it?" Will asked, to which I shook my head. " 'Ere sit down, you must be tired after walking all the way here."

He didn't sit up like I thought he would, just scooched farther into the couch so the only place I could sit was right next to him. I gave him a wary smile, my head feeling fuzzy already, and sat down next to him. I was only sat down for about team seconds when he piped up;

"God, you look so awkward sitting there, come 'ere." He gently took my elbow and pulled me down so I was lying next to him, my face only inches from his.

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