perfect{ly cringy}(AxG,fluff)

641 23 4

not really much to do with the story, was just vibing to some great songs including some Ari as I wrote this <3
Alex's POV:

This is it. This is what pure happiness must feel like. I'm cuddled up on the couch, smothered in blankets and pillows, eating my favourite cookie dough ice cream while the best boyfriend in the world is in the kitchen making us popcorn for our movie marathon he planned out for our night in.

And it's all real.

And it's all mine.

And I just can't stop smiling, even as the ice cream is melting and the blankets are becoming too warm, it's still perfect.

And to think, just an hour or two earlier I thought this was the worst day ever...

*Insert cringy sound effects as screen fades to black*

A few hours earlier,
from George's POV:

"So you'll bring them over soon? I just want everything to be perfect, he's been so stressed and anxious the last week or so..." I said, keeping my phone pinned to my ear with my shoulder as I unloaded the shopping into the fridge.

"Yeah, yeah, spare blankets and wine glasses, but I'm not giving you my good ones, last time you chipped my last good glass..." James complained about his precious wine glass I apparently ruined for a bit. I let him ramble on so he'd get me the stuff I asked him for.

"Alright, see you in a bit, yeah? Thanks James, byyeeeeeeee" I dragged out the last word so he couldn't interrupt me to badger me about something else I broke.

I look around anxiously, trying to spot any flaw to fix immediately. No, none that I can see. I'm just trying to make sure everything is right for Alex, he's my whole world, and... And I love him, and I want to love him for the rest of my life.

A knock cut off my daydreaming.  James had arrived with the bag of my stuff. Good, Alex said his train was due in about twenty minutes and I wanted to surprise him and meet him at the station. I know how stressed he gets about visiting his family, even if they supposedly accept him now, he still doesn't feel comfortable introducing me to them just yet...

"Thank you so much, James, honestly, I've been rushing to get everything done for the last hour and this will make it perfect" I grinned at James as I quickly grabbed the bag from his hands and set out the two wine glasses on the kitchen counter.

"Why are you making such a fuss George? It's not your anniversary yet is it?" James asked,  casually leaning his hand on the doorframe.

"Nah, that's next month. Mental it's been five years already, feels like yesterday I first fell in love with him..." I felt myself smile, and think back to the day I first met Alex.

*Cheesy reminiscent music as the
    screen starts to fade to black*
       *Sudden record scratch*

"Oh sod off," James said, but with a teasing smile. "Oh look at me, Mr happily in a relationship, rubbing it in everyone's faces, ya mong." He joked, both of us laughing at this point.

"Anyways, don't you have a certain someone to pick up?" James asked, pointedly looking at the silver clock on the wall Alex convinced me to buy us.

Shite. Only a little over ten minutes till his train is due. I need to get my arse down to the station immediately.

"Oh, yeah, sorry James I'll have to rush you out. Does everything look ok?" I asked, looking around the flat just once more. When I caught his eye again I knew I was worrying over nothing. "ok, ok fine. Thanks so much James"

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