A Million subs (AxJ)

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James's POV:
As I shut the front door, throwing my keys down on the little table next to the door, I called out to Alex to see if he was awake yet.

"Alex? You up yet, love?" I called, walking down the hallway to our room. The door was slightly ajar so I just poked my head in for a second. My eyes adjusted to the darkness for a few seconds. I heard a rustling and a small groan from the bed. Smiling I whispered, "Al? You ok?" While walking over to the bed.

I saw Alex curled up inside the crumpled sheets, his eyes closed tightly. He was letting out little panicked groans and feebly clawing at the pillows with his small hands. I got into the bed next to him, expecting it to be warm but it was actually ice cold.

"Alex? Alex wake up" I whispered, gently pinning his hands together to stop him hitting out. As soon as I held his bony wrists together, he let out a strangled noise and his bloodshot eyes flew open.

"No, help!" He whisper-shouted, his eyes darting frantically until he saw the concerned look on my face. His body immediately relaxed and his arms went limp.

"oh." He said, still looking scared, albeit slightly embarrassed. He swallowed before speaking again; "how long have you been here?" He asked.

"I only just got back, rough night?" I asked sympathetically.

"Never let George convince me to drink a full bottle of tequila again." Alex groaned. "I only got back at around 2 because he was bringing some bird he met back to his place."

I laughed softly. Alex was so cute in the mornings, even if he had a night terror. His hair was ruffled all over the place, his bony figure swallowed by one of my oversized shirts, his even more pronounced lisp from just waking up.

"Noted." I said. "but I got some shopping on the way back, want me to make you eggs or something?" I offered.

He shook his head wearily, "I couldn't handle food right now. Could you just make me a cup of tea?" He asked sweetly.

"Of course, love." I replied, getting up to make us both some tea. "try to get up soon ok?"

He nodded and pushed all the blankets off himself before slowly rising up off the bed. He rubbed his eyes before getting up to patter off to the bathroom. While I'm faffing around in the kitchen getting tea bags and Alex's favourite mug and milk, I hear the shower turn on. Typical Alex, deciding he needs to shower just as I'm making his tea.

I shook my head, making us both a cup of tea, his black with two sugars, mine milky with a tiny pinch of sugar. Setting them both down on the table, I waited for Alex to get out of the shower, checking my phone and planning to record later. I took a sip of tea as I was opening YouTube. I nearly spit out my tea as I saw my channels homepage.

"Holy shit, Alex?!?" I called down the hallway. I heard the shower turning off and the padding of bare feet walking down the hallway.

"What? What happened? Is something on fire?" Alex asked, running out of the bathroom in his towel, eyes darting around the room. I looked over at him in excitement, ready to tell him the good news.

"I hit a million subscribers last night!!! Isn't that great? Here, I'm gonna text the group chat to tell everyone." I chattered, getting my phone out to text our YouTuber group chat.

Group chat: The Biggest Pricks on YouTube

Jamesy: Guess who just hit one million subscribers!!!!!

Blockhead: Congrats mate, we should celebrate soon

Memetastic: Yeah we should all go out sometime, we haven't done that in ages.

iNopedOut: Congrats James :)

ImAllanBeans: Please no more tequila if we're going out.

Memetastic: No promises ;)


James looked up from his phone, laughing, to find Alex coming out of their room with his phone, now wearing more than just a towel. He somehow managed to get into a pair of his white skinny jeans and an internet sensation hoodie in less than the two minutes I was on my phone. As he walked out of our room he smiled up at me.

"Seriously, congrats James. We'll all go out to celebrate soon." Alex said, giving me a big hug then going to get his tea off the table.

"Yep, and when we are all going out I'll make sure to buy us all a round of tequila." I joked, laughing at Alex as he shuddered at the thought. I kissed the top of his head as he was taking a sip of his hot tea and he smiled sweetly at me while muttering,

"I would say I hate you, but I love you too much for that"

828 words
Ok, so the last Alex x George part went down really well and got the most votes so I'll be sure to do another one of those soon. Hope this short but sweet story made your Monday a little more bearable.

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