His Voice (AxW) (fluff)

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Just wanted to say before we start, I tried to find the video Alex does that voice in and one of Jake Paul's videos was one of the first results when I looked up "internet's creepiest texts". I don't think any more needs to be said really...

Will's text is normal, Alex's is underlined because I've been having a few problems with the text stories so...

Will's POV:

                         To; Alex
                             Yeah, so maybe a video
                                about some of the
                           creepy texts on Reddit?

Sure, I'll be over in a
bit, my trains late :(

                                    Great, see u then :D

I quickly made sure I had everything ready, camera charged, Reddit tabs open and the two glasses- that are in the kitchen. I knew I was forgetting something.

I walked down the hall to the kitchen, grabbed two glasses and filled them up with water. Just as I was walking back to my room I heard a knock on the door. I called "Coming!" quickly as I put down the water on the desk in my room. Scurrying out of my room I ran my fingers through my tangled hair as I went to open the door.

When I opened the door I was greeted by Alex in a black jacket with a mustard yellow hoodie underneath. His cheeks were pink with the cold but his eyes were bright and alert.

"Took you long enough, I thought I was going to freeze out here before you got a chance to open the door" he joked, giving me a cute toothy smile.

"Well if you were frozen you'd be a lot quieter, can't see an'thing wrong with that" I smiled, stepping back to let him in.

As soon as he walked into my flat he took off his jacket, scrunched it up and threw it on the couch. Well, he tried to throw it on the couch, but missed.

"Oh, Kobe's looking over you, mate, that was a beautiful shot." I said, laughing as he threw his jacket at me instead.

"Right, do you want to record or not? You'll bully me less on camera, your fans would come for you if you tried to bully innocent little Alex" Alex smiled as he flicked his hair out of his face before heading to my room.

I pretended to be annoyed, but couldn't help grinning.

"Yeah, you lead the way, Al, this is your flat after all." Alex didn't even turn around, just waved me in before disappearing behind the door.


After a few minutes of recording we were already cringing and laughing the night away. We stopped laughing eventually and I turned to Alex to read the next one;

"Alright, so do your creepiest voice for this one, yeah?" I said. Alex gave a small smile and nodded.

"Hey, babygirl-" Alex said in the deepest voice I've ever heard him do, catching me off guard.

"Jesuschrist" I whispered, my heart starting to beat faster. I looked at Alex, slightly shocked as he innocently smiled back at me.

"Yeah, I know, good innit?" He said with a cheeky smile. Alex turned back at the screen and started to read again.

"Do you remember me? We had ECON class together last year..." Alex continued reading but the words seemed to merge together as he spoke in that voice, his forehead slightly wrinkled as he reads the words, even his lisp fades a little as he speaks. When he finishes the text he looks at me expectingly to read the next line. I'm still a little thrown off so I stutter a few times as I stumble through the short paragraph.

As Alex starts to read again in his normal voice I feel my throat tightening at the thought of him doing that again. He sounded really... good? I've never really thought about Alex like this before, it's hardly just an admiration for his vocal talents. I decide to take a sip of water, which was a mistake. I choked a little on my sup of water so I gestured to Alex that I needed the bathroom.

After I did my buisness and went to wash my hands I saw myself in the mirror. I looked awful, my hair was kinda messy and I was gone red. Did Alex do that? Really? I didn't realise that'd effect me so much...

I started when I heard a sharp knock on the door, followed by Alex calling me;

"Will, you ok? You've been a while, just shout back if you need me, yeah?" Alex said, sounding a little concerned. Had I really been that long?

"Yeah, no, I'm fine Al," I went and unlocked and opened the door to Alex wringing his hands, looking a little relieved. I went back to wash my hands and, to my surprise, Alex walked into the doorframe of the bathroom, almost half in the room.

"Yeah, come in, we'll have a party" I said sarcastically. "You wouldn't miss me that much anyways if I drowned in the toilet" I joked.

Alex smiled at my joke, but distractedly, like he had something else on his mind. I hated seeing him like this, knowing how many mental problems he had when he was younger. I sat on the counter with the sink and patted the tiled countertop next to me.

"Ok, what's up? I wasn't that long and you didn't laugh at my shit (no pun intended) toilet joke." I said as Alex sat down next to me. He bit his lip while looking down at the ground.

"Um, I suppose I should say something even though you- you've probably noticed already. But I think you already know what I'm gonna say... um," Alex stuttered before looking up at me finally, his eyes bright and his smile small but genuine. "well, I just. I'm not good at talking through feelings and..."

Alex swallowed nervously before quickly bringing his face to mine. His soft lips were on mine before I even blinked. I was kinda surprised, but I couldn't help kissing him back. I put a hand on his face, tracing over one of his cheekbones with my thumb as we kissed.

I slipped off the counter and gently pushed Alex's legs a little apart to stand as close to him as possible. He gladly parted his legs more and wrapped his arms around my hips to pull me closer. Finally breaking contact, I stood looking at Alex, cute, messy haired, blushing Alex and had no words.

"So, um, I don't suppose you'd want to go out someti-" Alex started before I immediately cut him off with a;

"Yes." Before casually strolling over, putting an arm around his shoulder, leaning down to his level, then as sensually as I could whispered

"I suppose we should get that video finished now..."

1133 words.
This week has gone by so, so very slowly for me and this was kinda like a small therapy sesh that's also for you guys. Thanks so much for over 2.5K views that's INSANE, we also have nearly 150 votes too, so please do vote and comment any ships or storylines you want me to follow. As always I hope this made your week a little better or happier or just less depressing, see you next week <3


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