Sneaking IN (AxW)(smut)

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Alex's POV:

So, it was about one in the morning, I was still awake playing Minecraft on my laptop and suddenly *insert notification noise*, I got a text from Will;

Hey, you still up?

I rolled my eyes, he knows I'm still up... But what does he want? Last time he texted me this late was when he was drunk and wanted me to send nudes. I of course promptly told him to go fuck himself to which his answer was "yeah, that's the point". Even drunk he's still smooth as hell, so I reluctantly texted him back;
(Alex's texts are italics, having a bit of a problem with placement of the texts and in the final draft it's kinda confusing sorry)


Yeah, what's up?

He speaks😏 I thought u were just gonna leave me on opened again lol

What kind of a boyfriend would I be then lol

So, I'm up, ur obviously up, what do u wanna do?

I miss you(hint, hint)

Me too babes, but I can't sneak out, my mum has alarms installed so if any doors are opened it wakes the whole neighbourhood up

Well, I never said anything about doors...

How high up is your window again?

Absolutely not, as much as I wanna hang out, it's not worth breaking both my legs

Again, I said how high up, not how much of a drop but ok

Your rooms at the back of the house, I could sneak into your garden and climb up the ivy, I could be there in ten minutes...

Will, no, I'm not risking u breaking both ur legs either

Come on, we've done it before

Pretty please?

That was in the daytime, it's completely different

Pretty please with an amazing, beautiful, kind and funny boyfriend on top?

I'll bring the condoms lol

Will, we're not having sex, my parents are in the other room, I don't want my first time to be smothered and whispered

Ohh, so u like it loud? Good to know😘

I'm kidding, u know that, but seriously I do wanna come over, even just to hang out for a bit...

I bit my lip, considering. We couldn't really be caught, my parents logs and my brothers gone to a friend's... I don't want to have sex just yet but I suppose we could just hang out? And if we do end up doing stuff what's the harm? I'm getting a little hard just thinking about the things Will would do to me...


Please Al? I'll be on my best behavior...

Ok, but be quick, I'll secure the perimeter while I'm waiting lol

Fifteen minutes later:

I was lying on my bed waiting for Will when I heard a tapping noise. I immediately got up and opened my window quietly to let him in. Will hauled himself up onto the windowsill and promptly lost his balance and fell onto the floor.

"Oh my God, be quiet, my parents are in the other room" I whispered, running over to help him up

"Good to see you too," Will joked, standing up with the help of my arm. He was dressed in all black as usual, a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. I couldn't talk much, wearing just my pink hoodie and some old joggers. I barely registered what he was wearing before he pulled me into a massive hug.

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