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George's POV:
I took a sip of my third can of diet Coke of the day, finally done editing, I'm on the first episode of a new Netflix series Will recommended. My phone lit up with a notification and I groaned at the time. 2:47, great. I'll be sleeping in tomorrow then.

I put my empty Coke can on my bedside table, too lazy to get up to put it in my bin, when I suddenly got a creepy feeling. Like I was being watched. I sat up, took off my headphones, and listened out for any noises. I suddenly became aware of... breathing? I'm not sure how to describe it, it was like someone hyperventilating but really quiet and muffled.

I sighed, it's probably only my imagination from watching too many shows, but me being a curious bastard, swung my legs out of bed and went to investigate.

Opening my door as quietly as I could, the noise was immediately louder, and I could tell where it was coming from now. Alex's room.

So, feeling slightly worried, I walked across the room and raised my hand up to knock on Alex's door, hesitating slightly. I don't know what's going on, and even though me and Alex have only been roommates a few months, we've been friends a lot longer...

I took a deep breath, before knocking quietly and calling out;
"Alex? You ok mate?"

Almost immediately, the noise stopped. I could tell Alex had just covered his mouth though, so I put my hand on the doorknob and pushed open the door a few inches. Not wanting to put my foot in it, I didn't look in, just called to Alex;

"Al? I'm coming in if you don't answer me..." I whispered.

"George?" I heard Alex croak. He sounded awful, like he'd been crying. "George can you come here for a minute?" His voice cracked a few times, and at the end of the sentence he let out a broken sigh.

I braced myself, then walked in to see Alex in the middle of his bed, covers surrounding him but not on him, holding his knees to his chest and rocking slightly.

"Alex?" I said, my voice higher than usual.

"Im- I'm sorry to... To wake you." He stuttered. He squeezed his knees closer to his chest, tears leaking out of  his eyes. I sat next to him slowly, reaching out my hand to pat him on the back.

"Alex, it's ok, I'm here, you're alright." I tried to reassure him, feeling him relax slightly at my touch. "what was it?"

"A- another nightmare." Alex said, taking deep breaths.

"It'll be ok, Al, just breathe. Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. Surprisingly, Alex nodded slowly;

"There was water, everywhere. It was filling up the flat and going everywhere. I couldn't find you, your room was full of water. I was screaming your name over and over but you... You never answered. I tried to open the door but I couldn't. I was drowning, George. I was dying." Alex rushed out the last sentence, calming down, he grabbed the glass of water on his bedside table and gulped at it.

"Hey, hey easy." I rubbed his back again when he hurriedly gulped back the whole glass.

He started taking deep breaths again, closing his eyes. He looked so small and fragile in the middle of his big empty bed. I shuffled closer to him, and wrapped my arms around him. Despite being half an inch shorter than him, I could still easily wrap my arms around Alex's small frame.

He stiffened for a few seconds, before relaxing into my arms. I held him, my chin resting on his soft hair. He seemed to be calming down, so I attempted to make a joke.

"No homo though, bro." I joked.

He stiffened slightly again, shuffling away from me a little. I released him from my hug, confused.

"What?" I asked, seeing the look on his face.

"Why?" Alex asked. Still confused, I raised an eyebrow. Looking annoyed he continued; "why do you have to make jokes like that? You know I'm bi."

Internally I rolled my eyes. Why was Alex acting like this? He usually laughed at my shitty jokes.

"It's just a joke, Al." I said.

"Is that all I am to you? Someone to laugh at your awful jokes?" Alex asked, tears forming in his eyes. Before I could respond he cracked a small smile for the first time that night. " And why does it have to be no homo?"

I opened my mouth to retaliate, then closed it, trying to process what Alex had just said. When I realised what he meant, my jaw dropped again. He gave me a small crinkly smile;

"I know you're straight, but you've told me you've never kissed a guy. Wanna try?" Alex asked, looking hopeful. "it's totally fine if you don't want to but..." He trailed off.

I tried to think it through. Think about the consequences, George. Think about... What consequences? If I don't like it, we can just act like it never happened and if I do... Well, you should never knock something till you try it right?

"Ok." I said. "let's do it"

Alex smiled, then said;
"Just relax, it's the same as kissing girls, just better" he muttered the last part, but I still heard it.

One of his arms sneaked around my waist, and his other hand went to my face. He stroked a thumb over my cheekbone, it felt nice, almost comforting.

He took a deep breath, then leaned in. His lips are so soft. They taste like the strawberry lip balm he wears in the winter. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

Our kiss only lasts a few seconds before Alex pulled back and looked at me expectingly. I answered his unspoken question by putting a hand to his face and leaning in to kiss him again.

999 words.
Hope you all liked this part. I think I did a similar nightmares one with James x Alex so I thought I'd do a George x Alex one this time. Vote and comment suggestions or ships you want me to write about. I've been listening to a lot of Lewis Capaldi and Alec Benjamin while writing these so expect a few depressing ones soon <3

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