Boy Across the Road (AxJ) part 2

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Alex's POV:

"Alex, seriously, stop worrying, it'll be fine, it's just a party" Will reassured me for the third time since we left his house.

I gave a snort, and then nervously asked "am I really that obvious?"

Will smiled and said, "to me you are"

I tried to smile back and look more composed then I feel. I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets to get them out of the cold. My face was still freezing though, it being practically the only part of my body not smothered by my oversized hoodie.

Will made fun of me for wearing one of my "beloved" hoodies (as he put it), but it's what I'm most comfortable in. And a pair of good white jeans with my trainers. He can't say anything about those, cos all he wears are black jeans that look like they got caught under a lawnmower.

As we approached the house, I took a few deep breaths, the steam from my warm breath showing up in front of me.

"Now if you need me, just text me, ok? You can stay over at my house if we're back too late, too." Will said, opening the gate for me to walk in first.

There were a few guys probably a little older then me out smoking on the lawn. I could hear the muffled music coming from the house before we even walked in the gate. Will have me another comforting smile, then said;

"I heard that James guy is gonna be here too. Want me to help you find him?" Will asked.

I grinned. Will knows me so well. But I can do this by myself.

"No, I'll be ok. I'll find him soon enough." I grinned.

As soon as we walked in, Will was immediately called over to see someone. He raised his eyebrows to ask if I wanted to come too, I shook my head and he nodded, then walked over to his friends.

I took a deep breath, then started walking around to see if there's  anyone I know here. Nope, no one yet, just a load of drunk teenagers.

I walked through the hall and peeked into the kitchen. I grabbed an unopened beer from the ice box on the counter and cracked it open, just to give me something to do.

Suddenly, someone spun me around by my shoulder. They spun me so fast, a little beer sloshed out of the can and onto the sleeve of my favourite pale pink hoodie.

"Oh, sorry!" James apologized. "I didn't realise you had a beer. Hey actually, let me get you something a little stronger to take the edge off." Despite James's charming smile, I felt a little worried at that remark.

Seeing my face, James quickly rephrased; "oh, no, I didn't mean it like that, I just- I mean... Let's just, go somewhere else maybe? Everyone's playing stupid games upstairs, it'll be fun" with that he grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs.

Even with the loud music, and what felt like hundreds of people at this party, I felt safe with James holding my hand.

When we got upstairs, James peeked into a room that was directly next to the staircase, then, going a little red, immediately shut it again.

"Well, looks like Graham's enjoying himself" he joked, looking into another room. "Aha!" He suddenly said. "I knew we'd find you eventually" he said to the people in the room. James pulled me into the room with him. There were a group of girls and guys all lounging on different pieces of furniture.

"Guys, this is Alex." He introduced me to the group, sitting down on the corner of a couch. I hesitated, not seeing anywhere else to sit, until James held me by my hips and pulled me onto his lap.

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