Comfort Items~Analogince

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-got idea while in logan cosplay
-au ig where they live together without the others
-i just want to state that virgil is the tallest and roman is the shortest



Logan was never one for emotions but that didn't stop him from loving two dorks. It also didn't stop him from dating those dorks, and even before that, didn't stop him from obsessing and worrying over work. But it did give him a better way to wind down from that work stress. He had two boyfriends now, he could call them to cuddle or anything, right? Logan was never one for emotions however, and his pride was too high. He needed them to think he knew everything, that he could do everything fine by himself, that he was useful. So he resorted to other, more sneaky ways of relaxing. He knew that his boyfriends calmed him down the most, and he knew Virgil wore a lot of hoodies that only looked similar, and that Roman had an awful lot of stuffed animals. Neither of them would notice if one went missing. 

On this particular day, Logan had become much too stressed out with a particular schedule he couldn't plan right and some articles he couldn't word right. He had gotten a migraine and took some medicine but knew he needed a break. So he left his room quietly and looked downstairs to see Roman and Virgil watching a Disney movie on the couch together. He went into the nearest room, and that's why he now rummages through Virgil's closet. He grabs the purple jacket Virgil wears from the very back and exits the room, quietly closing the door with The Nightmare Before Christmas poster on it. He then goes down a door farther to Roman's room and enters the heavily postered room. He tries his best to reach behind the pile of stuffed animals on Roman's bed, all of them now able to fit since the three of them sleep in the guest bedroom, which has the biggest bed and keeps private belongings in rooms. 

Having pulled out a yellow and orange polka-dotted giraffe with purple horns and hoofs (Where did you even get this Roman?), he retreats from the room and back to his own. He sits criss-cross on his bed, wearing the jacket half-zipped over his tie and the stuffed animal in his lap, hugged tightly against his chest. His migraine is dulled and he falls onto his side, curling into a ball. A smile grows on his face, comforted by his boyfriend's items. After a few minutes, he starts drifting off into a peaceful sleep. He doesn't hear his door open but does hear a muffled squeal. His eyes open and snap to the sound, face heating up. 

Roman and Virgil are smiling down at him, Roman's hands on his cheeks. "This is the cutest thing I've seen you do Lo!" Logan sits up, pulling the hood of Virgil's jacket over his eyes. "You could have just asked us to cuddle L," Virgil adds, sitting on Logan's bed. Logan shakes his head, "Roman is loud. You two were busy. I still had work to do. You weren't supposed to know." Logan feels another dip in his mattress as Roman also sits down. "Well, how is your migraine now?" Logan realizes the pain has subsided for the most part, "Better." He feels arms snake around his waist, from both of them. "Then come cuddle us, its time for bed anyway." Logan tries and fails to wiggle out of their grasp, "But I still have work to do-" He's shut up by a pair of lips on his, "It's bedtime. You need to sleep babe." 

Logan practically melts and lets Roman carry him to the bed in the 'guest' room. Usually Roman slept in the middle, as Virgil got claustrophobic at night during nightmares and Logan often woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, but this time it was Logan who is placed in the middle. Virgil's chin rests on Logan's head and Roman's face lines up with his chest, limbs tangled and sprawled. Logan actually got a full night of sleep that night, and the morning proved much less difficult. 

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