Mistletoe~Christmas Special

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-so basically... everyone is dating logan
-no, the twins are NOT dating they are just
dating the same people if you ship twins
please get off my page.
-I love logan
-some side ship action I guess but not much
-they hoomans!
-Ethan is deceit



Patton told himself not to make too many jam-filled cookies but he knows how much Logan loves them and makes a week's worth. Virgil told himself not to worry about the placement of ornaments on the tree but does anyway. It takes Patton calling him to help in the kitchen to make him stop. Remus told himself to stop making glitter dicks on the stockings and eventually, with enough enforcing from Ethan, he did. Ethan told himself not to peek at his own presents, which he knew Patton wrapped and hid in the closet. He may have looked into a bag, but couldn't bring himself to rip the neat wrapping yet. Roman told himself not to put up so much mistletoe, but Roman doesn't listen to anyone, especially not himself. Plus, the thought of kissing Logan a lot was too great to ignore. So that's why the house is covered in mistletoe by the time Logan gets home from work.

Logan is the only one that works on holidays and even his coworkers push him to at least go home early. This time it seems he finally did. As he walks through the door, he hears the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack and smells Patton's cookies, an indistinguishable holiday candle, and pine from the tree. He smiles to himself as he looks at the tree. He, Ethan, Remus, and Virgil were never big on Christmas until Patton and Roman came into the picture. Roman comes up to Logan, humming along to What's This, "Welcome home dear, but I think you owe me something," Logan follows Roman's finger pointing up and laughs when he sees the mistletoe. "Very cute Roman." Roman wraps an arm around Logan's waist and dips him, Logan wraps his arms around Roman's neck and they kiss. Roman helps Logan stand again and he goes to keep decorating. Logan makes his way into the kitchen where Virgil and Patton are cooking.

"Lolo! Welcome home! Here, have a cookie, I made too many." Logan smiles at the giant pile of jam cookies and takes one, "Thank you, Patton." Logan goes to leave the kitchen and Virgil follows, stopping him under the doorway, which of course, had mistletoe. "Welcome home L," Virgil says before leaning down to give Logan a peck on the lips. Logan smiles up at Virgil, "You could have just asked me for a kiss." Virgil shrugs, "It's more fun this way." "Me next!" Patton calls and walks over, dusting off his apron. Logan leans down to kiss Patton on his forehead, then his lips. Virgil does the same and Patton smiles at them before going back to cooking. Logan bites into his cookie as he goes to find the two most disastrous of his boyfriends.

Upstairs, Remus and Ethan are wrapping some presents. Logan knocks on the bedroom door and Ethan opens it. "Logan, welcome home." Logan points up at the mistletoe and Ethan groans, "I hate this." Logan does the same maneuver to Ethan that Roman did to him and dips him into the room to kiss him. Remus laughs at Ethan's surprise and walks over after Ethan is upright again. Remus wraps his arms around Logan's neck to bring him down to his height, then goes straight for the neck. Ethan laughs at Logan's surprised cry as Remus leaves a hickey, and Logan laughs in turn as Remus turns around and does the same thing to Ethan. Remus grins at his handiwork and goes back to drawing on the present cards. Logan joins Ethan in wrapping the presents and hums along to the music from downstairs. As the day carries on, many more kisses happen. Roman put up mistletoe wherever there was a place to apparently, and Logan didn't mind one bit.

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