||Trekking|| ~Newt A.U.~

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"Hey." You felt a dip on your bed which made you look at her direction.

"You've been spending a lot of time at home lately. I signed you up for a trekking expedition with my friends I talked about. You'll get lazy and lethargic if you just sit here all day and do nothing, Y/N. And no buts. You are coming and that's final" Brenda said, her voice filled with concern.

It was true. You had been spending a lot of time on your computer lately, but it was all for a good reason. You just wanted to finish up your schoolwork in time. But your roomate was right. You could already feel yourself getting lazier and lazier. At this point, you were pretty sure you had coffee running in your veins, keeping you alive.

You sighed in defeat. There was no argument that you were going with Brenda and her wierd friends she always blabbered about. "When? And are these the same friends you talked about? What were they called again?"

She chuckled. "The Gladers. And we will be going on Sunday so that's just about five days away."

Five days. You liked to plan stuff beforehand and were known for your organisation. In fact, the first week you were there, you cleaned Brenda's very unorganized room because it was just driving you nuts. And besides, that was also how you were given your job, which was as a helper in the local library. It was the busiest library, since it was in the middle of the town, and you loved reading anyway, so you decided to try it out. Ms. Collins was kind enough to give you a holiday break to, in her words, "Relax, go out with your friends. You are still young, my dear, enjoy it while you can." That lady was always kind to you, and took a liking to you the second you moved here for your university.

With all of these thoughts and memories filling your head, you finally gave in to your body's demands of going to sleep.

The day of the trek came. You were excited, this was your first time trekking and camping, after all. You were confident you had packed everything in your list and checked it off. You even double-checked it just to be sure.

You were picked up, and first greeted by Minho, a black haired Asian guy, who was very sassy. You and Brenda were picked up in his black van with sliding doors. It was very spacious, so your worries about not having enough space was gone.

"Hey, Greenie. So we will only be able to get about five of us in here, so that would be Newt, Thomas, Winston, Teresa, and Frypan, and the rest will be going with Gally, since everybody has their own bags and klunk. And also we will be stopping to get some snacks so no need to worry about hunger eating you up." He smiled.

You smiled a little at the oxymoron. But your smile faded, and turned into a confused frown. "Greenie? Klunk? What.."

"It's a slang language these guys made up. Greenie means anyone who is new to their group, and klunk means poop. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Brenda answered your doubts.

The car ride to Thomas and Newt's place was spent in comfortable silence, with you listening to songs, Brenda going through her phone, and Minho busy driving. That was, until a raven haired boy and a sandy-blonde haired boy came in to the van. The blonde decided to sit next to you, followed by the other guy.

"Hi, I am Newt and this is Thomas. You must be Y/N?" The sandy-blonde guy asked you.

That's when you got a good look at him and Thomas. He had gorgeous brown eyes, a smile that made your heart melt, and a sharp jawline. You felt butterflies in your stomach when you heard his accent.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N"

"Well, nice to meet ya, Y/N" He smiled again, eye to eye this time, which just made you love him more. Wait..... love? You barely even knew him. You put that thought aside and put your earbuds back in your ear, and start the music, hoping you weren't being rude by cutting the conversation. You watched out the window, looking at the changing scenery, and the fast moving trees.

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