//Mornings// (A Newt headcanon)

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So, I decided to try to make headcanons now since they're shorter than normal chapters  since I'm too lazy to do anything (sorry, I know that's not a great excuse, but I haven't been feeling like writing lately.)
So I hope you enjoy!!

• So, we all know he's a hard-working boi, and would put the Glade's safety before himself
• So it's not surprising that he comes to your shared makeshift bedroom like very late
• And you don't even know when he enters, he's by your side in a minute and starts snoring as soon as his head hits the pillow
• And he sorta involuntarily cuddles you, it's like a habit
• Just hugs you from the back while you're sleeping, and softly kisses your neck even if you're asleep
• Again, it's just habit
• So you know he ain't gonna wake up early in the morning because of utter exhaustion
• And you don't wanna wake him up, he looks so adorable with his hair sticking out in various places and like a small pout on his lips
• And you run your hand through his hair cause it's so irresistible which makes him stir a bit
• You usually wake up before him to go help Fry cook breakfast
• After helping Fry, he starts serving, and you go to wake Newt up
• And he's just so adorable, his brows are furrowed like he's thinking or something
• And he's incoherently mumbling your name and oh my god you might just die
• But you have to wake him up or else Alby might get mad
• So you gently shake him (it doesn't work)
• Whisper his name, "Newt, honey, it's time to wake up," while running your hand through his hair
• And he squints and opens his eyes a bit and clutches your arm and says, "No."
• You laugh a bit which makes him smile
• "Come on, breakfast is ready"
• "I'm up, I'm up." Cause he loves your food
• And he gets up and rubs his eyes and brushes his hand through his hair and looks at you with his brown eyes
• Those goddam eyes
• And the sunlight makes them look lighter and wow you can't believe that he's yours
• He looks at you too, with the most lovestruck look on his face
• You guys are just two dorks in love
• And he leans forward and kisses you softly and slowly
• Obviously, Minho just has to interrupt you guys
•  "StOp SucKinG eaCh oTheRs FacEs anD geT yOuR LovEstRucK bUttS dOwN HeRe"
• A groan is heard from both of you and you peck his lips once again, as you say, "We'll continue this later" *wink wink*
• "Holy shuck, I love you" he whispers
• "Love you too"
• "CoMe oN, We arEn'T getTinG anY yOunGer hErE" thank you, Minho.

Well that works.
Hope you guys liked it
Keep reading, Bookworms!
Also, feel free to send in short  requests  in our personal messages
Love ya!!
~Izzy  ❤

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