//Late Night Memories// ~Newt A.U~

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You bit your lip, thinking of the right word to describe the girl's situation. The dim light of your computer was the only thing that was illuminating you and Newt's room. You sighed, as you got out of bed to make yourself a drink.
As your coffee was being prepared, you glanced up at the clock, shocked at how late it was. The clock read 10:55 pm.
But on the plus side, Newt would be home any minute.
You grabbed your cup and dragged yourself to the room upstairs. Settling the coffee on your bedside table, you jumped into bed, and draped a fluffy blanket over you and placed your computer on your lap.

Soon enough, the chapter was finished and your goal for the day of completing two more chapters was finished. You looked up at the clock again. 11:14 pm.
He was 15 minutes late.
He had been called in as an emergency at work, even if it was a Saturday, and you were currently working on your new book, the third book in your series.
You shut your computer and yawned, as though the coffee you drank had an opposite effect on you.
As you were stretching to get all of your cramps out, you heard the tinkling of keys and the opening of a door.
Newt was back.
You waited patiently as he made his way to the room.
He slowly opened the door, thinking you were asleep and not wanting to wake you up, but he was surprised to see you up.
"Hey." You said, giving him a smile that you were pretty sure he couldn't see, since it was now completely dark in your room.
He grunted as if he was.... angry?
"What happened?" You asked him. You couldn't see his expression, but you were pretty sure he was tired.
"You," he answered.
"You make this so difficult, Y/N!" He shouted. He had never shouted at you before.
What did you do wrong? You sat at home and made him lunch, and when his call came in, you packed him some dinner.
"Newt, what are you-" he cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
"You know bloody well what I'm talkin' about, Y/N. You can't just sit there and act like you don't know." He growled.
What surprised you most was the way he said your name.
He usually wouldn't say your name, just address you by lovingly calling you 'love', and even if he did call you by your name, he would call you gently, and would certainly not  call you with the tone he was using right now.
"Wh-what? Newt, whatever it is I am pretty sure we can work it out," you pleaded, tears were brimming in your eyes.
"NO! YOU'RE TOO ADORABLE. GET CUDDLED!" He shouted, and leaped into the bed, engulfing you in his arms.
Whatever tears you had in your eyes were gone now, as you yelled from the sudden shock, and then giggled.
"Newt, what just happened back there?" You asked him, as he cuddled into the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your shoulder blade.
"You're so cute that no matter how tired I am, I always want to cuddle you, darling. Why are you so perfect? I bloody love you." He said, as you giggled and turned around, so your faces were only centimeters apart.
"I love you too, Newt. But you gave me quite a fright there." You said, giving him a kiss.
"I can't help it. Every time I see you, my heart jumps out of my chest, and... you just make me feel things I have never felt before, love. I'm sorry." He explained.
You snuggled closer into his chest, breathing in his perfume which you had gifted him.
"I love you." You whispered.
"Me too, love, me too." He said.
He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead and temples.
You snuggled closer to him, further taking in his scent, as he griped you tighter, as though promising that he will never let you go.

You looked up at him, your nose brushing against his.
"Seriously. I. Love. You." You said, kissing him again, on the nose.
He smiled, his eyes still closed.
"I." He said, opening his eyes as he kissed you on your cheek.
"Love." He kissed you on your tepmle,
"You." On your nose.
"Too." He whispered, kissing you softly and gently on your lips, as butterflies erupted from your stomach.

You loved this man. And he loved you too.
And we're back!
Hope you enjoyed this one, and I know it was short but I didn't have time to write a long one, so yeah.
We'll upoad a long one one next time :)
Keep reading, Bookworms!

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