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Summary: Newt reassures reader everything would be fine and tells her to smile.
Set in: The Fever Code (but you don't need to necissarily read it. Just know that it was before the maze trials, when all the subjects were being tested and stuff)

It was just another day, another routine you had to follow. Wake up, go for your blood tests, get pricked, eat, go to some classes and sleep. A chain that could never be broken.
But you had your own secrets.

The friends you had in your classes thought the same way; they too were getting bored of the same routine they had to follow for seemingly forever. All the girls, the ones you could remember, came up with a plan, that the following night, they would sneak up and go to a spacious hall that was marked as the 'Maintenance Room' that one of the girls had found.

And so it went on for weeks.

You would carefully make your way towards the so called 'Maintenance Room', and hang out with your friends- a blonde haired girl with brown eyes named Sonya and a girl with dreadlocks, black hair and eyes, and chestnut coloured skin named Harriet and a girl named Grace, the one you were most connected to, who had blonde shoulder length hair and blue eyes, and a couple other girls. You were good friends with Harriet, Sonya and Grace, seeing as they shared a room with you.

Some nights, some girls would steal snacks from the kitchens, and other nights, you all would just hang out and play games, and talk about the 'cruelties of the world' as Harriet liked to name it.

And tonight was no different.

As soon as the clock hit twelve, you began to get dressed.
Tonight, Grace and Harriet had gone ahead, leaving you and Sonya behind to get ready.
"I feel like something is wrong," you commented to Sonya, who was busy combing her hair. A chuckle came from her direction.
"You're being paranoid, Y/N. What's the worse that's gonna happen? They're gonna lock us up in our rooms? That's just irrational," she said, still combing her hair and not looking at you.
You huffed, "what if they torture us? What if the kill us?" You said.
Now that you had said it out aloud, it made no sense. Why would they kill valuable immunes like you? The kids captured here were rare, and not a lot of people were immune to the Flare. They wouldn't  just waste you, would they?
Sonya just laughed it off.
"Okay, I'm ready, so I'm gonna go. See you there, Y/N." She said going to push the door open.

But instead, the door itself swung open, without her touching it.

Oh no.

Your fear had been right, you thought.
Now the guards were going to come in and swoop everyone from their hiding places and end this game once and for all.
Sonya looked and the door, shaking, petrified, and wide eyed. You stood near her doing the same.

Thankfully, it wasn't a guard.
It was a boy you had vaguely remembered. He was in a few of your classes, a blonde boy with the same features as Sonya, who you would always see smiling with his friends.
Sonya was the first one to brake out of her trance.
"N-Newt?" She asked.
How did she know his name?
"Liz- Sonya. Hi." He said, smiling.
The boy, Newt, came forward and hugged her tightly, with her following his actions. They were acting as though they had'nt seen each other in years.

Maybe they're together.

It was only then that you noticed that there was another boy, probably his age, standing as awkwardly as you were, to the side. It was too dark to make out his features, but you knew that this was someone you could trust.
He loosely waved at you as you did the same.
"I'm Thomas," he whispered.
You scooted a little closer to him. "So, how do they know each other?" You asked, wanting to know answers of who this 'Newt' and 'Thomas' were, and how the former knew Sonya. And he had called her something....
"Oh, they're siblings. Newt's her older brother. He just missed her alot and wanted to see her, so here we are." He said.

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