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It was an accident, a rare one. WICKED was not on to make mistakes, but somehow it happened. They didn't mean to, the person who performed the surgery was surely fired and thrown out into the real world.

Thomas and Teresa, the subjects that were meant to be important to the experiment, originally need to insert chips in their brains to communicate telepathically, but the surgeon performing the "act" mixed it up with subjects A5 and A9, inserting it so deep inside their brain tissue that they couldn't remove it, and even if they could, it would probably lead to death or complications, and they couldn't risk it, not right now. So they just left it in their brains, causing massive headaches. Better than killing them.

So it went like that for months, Subject A5 – Newt – and Subject A9 – Y/N – had massive headaches over the months, and had no explanation for it. They tried to ask the doctors who did monthly check ups on them, but obviously, it had no avail. They just decided to suck it up – they obviously couldn't do anything about it, so they resorted to silently suffer.

Their classes went on as usual, trying to not sleep due to extreme exhaustion, trying to make friends, and to some extent, passing. They had made a couple friends here and there, but had yet to see each other. That, however, would soon change.

"I don't know why. No body will listen to me." Y/N tried to explain to her classmate – and probably new friend – Sonya. The blonde nodded her head in understanding, her brow furrowed together. "My brother has the same things. I snuck out last night to see how he was doing," The girl said the last part in a whisper that was barely audible due to the chatter of the rest of the class.

"Maybe you should see him with me to get it checked out." She said.

"I don't see how that'll help her though," Harriet said, to which Y/N nodded.

"Maybe you guys can go to the doctor together and ask 'em. Then maybe they'll listen?" Sonya said. She tried to make a point, but seemed to be failing.

Y/N sighed. "Fine. I'll go, but only for your satisfaction." She aid, just as their teacher entered the class. Harriet grumbled something under her breath, then just as she was turning to look at their teacher, she whispered, "Then I'm coming too." Y/N and Sonya didn't argue.

Newt had his own problems. When he woke up that morning, all he could feel was guilt and regret. He didn't need to burden his sister with his problems, she had her own to worry about. A tiny part of his fried brain told him that it was good to tell someone who cared for him, but the rest of his brain seemed to deny it. He knew Lizzie (he was not going to call her 'Sonya') had a big heart, and if he complained to her about the pain in his head, all she would do was worry about him.

The second thing he couldn't get his mind off of, however, was the fact that he kept hearing things. When he'd ask his friends if they heard it too, they'd all just look at him as if he was crazy. Maybe he was, but this had been happening constantly. He had even told the doctor about him, and the doctor had acted a bit...strange. She looked around at the other doctor questioningly, and turned to Newt and just shrugged. Another reason why he didn't tell Sonya that he was hearing things.

He kept hearing a girl's voice. The strange part was that the things she said just seemed to be thoughts, and not a conversation. Though one time, Newt had tried to responding to one, she didn't say anything fo the rest of the day. It was really hard when he was concentrating, or trying to finally do his homework, or even sleep for that matter, the voice kept troubling him.

Though it was very concerning, he couldn't do much about it. So, just like most things, he decided to suck it up and deal with it.

"Is your pretty little head hurting again?" Minho asked him teasingly, as Newt brushed his hand through his hair.

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