//The Saviours (part 1)//~Newt~

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It was a normal day in the Field, with every girl doing their own work. Well, it was kind of abnormal, since the newest Greenie- Aris- was getting all the attention to himself not only by being the only male, but by also raising suspicion in every curious Fielder's mind.

And also the fact that the Mappers said that they could have found a possible exit- through the Cliff.

It was pretty dangerous, but it was your only hope to get out of there.

And so the hell began.

It happened too fast to your recollection- the Doors not closing which led to multiple deaths and also more than a few close calls of death to your friends; Sonya and Harriet.

Then an unanimous decision was made by all of the Leaders, including you, since you were the Leader of the Gardeners, that the same night, all of the Fielders would grab whatever weapons they can get their hands on and fight the Grievers to get out of the maze.

You lost 15 fielders, including Rachel, who was shot by a stung girl named Beth. You came across a video tape in which a blonde lady was describing the widespread disease called the Flare, and practically your whole life was just an experiment to get a cure that might not even exist. Some rescuers came to save the surviving population of the fielders and at that instant you knew not to trust these people- whoever they were.

And fortunately, the rest of your friends had the same idea.

But there was also a big plot twist. There was another maze, filled with boys, and they hadn't gotten out yet, and you knew you had to do something to save them. But unfortunately, your friends thought it was a huge risk and did not agree with you.

"I can't help it, guys. There are people like us stuck in there for god knows how long and they don't even remember the outside world." you say, in vain attempts to convince them to join your crusade.

"I know, Y/N, but it's just too huge of a mission. We're already having trouble with just getting out of this place, and you're talking about fighting the grievers again to save people we don't even know? In your dreams," Sonya said. She was the second-in- command back in the field, and her leader side was showing again.

"Maybe Y/N's right," Harriet said, giving you a boost of confidence that at least someone was on your side.

"But so is Sonya." she completed, and it felt like your confidence had been stabbed multiple times.

You knew you had to do something, you couldn't just watch all these boys die for this world. It was better there, inside the maze. You didn't want them to go through the same thing you did, by going through physical and emotional pain.

"Please, guys," you said, with tears in your eyes.

Why am I crying?!

But you knew why. You felt connected to someone there; someone special. You didn't know their name or how they looked like, but you knew there were three boys, two of them friends, and one of them more than that. You didn't tell anyone, not even your friends, but you had these dreams of those three boys, but their faces seemed faded like smudged ink.

You heard Sonya sigh. "Okay, fine, but we'll have have to convince the others." she said.

You nearly jumped up from joy. You didn't know where that maze was, but you had a pretty good idea.

And you also had your girls with you, who you knew would support you during this, and you had full confidence and trust in them.

So began your Rescue Mission.

_________________________time skip cuz too many details.______________________________

You finally had convinced everyone in your group, and you felt ready to do this. Today was their Greenie day, which meant a new gi- boy. New boy would come up the Elevator.

And that was the day you'd save them.

As for where the maze was? Oh you knew by now, for sure. So, you lead your group to an abandoned and rusted door. Yes, that was the entrance. At first you thought how could a rusty old door like that lead to a giant maze? But when you were exploring the WICKED Headquarters one day, you found it. The entrance.

By this time, you weren't scared of the Grievers. You had skill and practice, and were filled with the required nutrients to run your body.

So you all fought, knowing where the hearts of the Grievers were; their tails. By the end, you had killed all of the 20 Grievers that came your way.

It did take you a while to get into the center of it, where your Field and their Glade was, but with the help of some of the Mappers, you found it.

In the end, Harriet and Sonya were in the lead, with you behind them, and the rest following you. Nobody had died, but a few had cuts and bruises- nothing too major.

And here came the tricky part. Meeting the boys.


Hope you guys liked it! Don't worry, there will be a part 2! (One thing we've learned, is to never, ever leave a story on cliffhangers)
~♡, Amy (and Izzy)

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