//Cold Stories//~Newt A.U~

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A/N: Based on Billie Eilish's song 'Come out and play' (recommend you to play the song while reading)
Merry Christmas, guys!
(I know it's a few days early, but ah well)
Third Person P.O.V.:

Wake up and smell the coffee
Is your cup half full or empty?
When we talk, you say it softly
But I love it when you're awfully quiet
Hmm, hmm quiet
Hmm, hmm

The sun was shining bright on his face, illuminating the beautiful features and making him look even more divine.
He woke up to the slight smell of coffee and that immediately put a smile on his face, as he rubbed the sleep put of his eyes.
It felt lovely like this, waking up on a pleasantly cool weather, to the smell of coffee, made from his girlfriend of now five years.
He made his way downstairs, the smile still plastered on his face.
As he turned and saw the kitchen counter, there she was, as beautiful as ever, reading a book while sipping her coffee, as she looked up at him and smiled even brighter.
She made his heart do crazy things without even putting in the effort to.

"Morning, sleepy head. How did you sleep?" She asked him.
"Bloody wonderful," he replied, walking up to her and placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.
"I made some coffee for you." She continued.
"Thanks, love." He said.
"It's quite chilly out, isn't it? I wonder if it'll snow." She said.
"I hope so. I known how much you love it." He said.
So their day began.

Newt quickly got dressed and told Y/N that he was called in for work. He looked quite nervous, fidgeting with his hands and running his hand through his golden locks.
"What happened? Is something wrong?" She asked him, looking at the state of her loved one.
She was now seated on the bed, wearing holiday pajamas with the book in her hands, as Newt came out of the bathroom.
"You look... nervous." She finished, still concerned of her boyfriend.
"It's okay, love nothing to worry about. Just... an emergency at work." He answered, though she wasn't very convinced by it.
Before she could argue, he quickly took his briefcase.
"See you later. I'll come home by seven." He said in a hurry as he quickly kissed her on the cheek.
"Wait!" She called out to him, just as he was about to exit their home.
He looked up at her, wondering if she wanted to ask anymore questions, and silently panicking.
But she didn't ask further questions, just gave him a soft kiss on his lips, and whispered, "I love you." As he whispered back the same. She handed out a little post-it note to him, and said, "Open it when you get stressed."

You see a piece of paper
Could be a little greater
Show me what you could make her
You'll never know until you try it
Hmm, hmm
And you don't have to keep it quiet

And I know it makes you nervous
But I promise you, it's worth it
To show 'em everything you kept inside
Don't hide, don't hide
Too shy to say, but I hope you stay
Don't hide away
Come out and play

He headed out the door, and took a deep breath, preparing himself for the day ahead.

He was quite stressed right now, so he decided to open the note she had made for him.

"I love you, always remember that. Whatever you're going to to do is worth it, okay?
Have a great day, my love. Don't forget to eat the lunch I packed for you.
♡, Y/N."

By now, he was sure he wanted to do this. Any doubt he had was simply vanished when he read the note she wrote to him.
With her, he felt... different. He felt as though he was the most loved human being in the world. He felt so happy with her, she took all of his stress away. She did so much for him without expecting anything in return. She was the best thing that ever happened to him. He wanted to make her his forever. He wanted his chest to swell up with pride when she would officially be called his, and they would be tied not only by love, but by law as well.

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