//Periods.// (Another Newt hc)

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A Newt headcanon about periods, because they suck.

• You know  this boy is going to serve you with all his might.
• Like, even if you just groan, you best believe he's going to cuddle with you without any arguments.
• Depending on how bad your cramps are, he'd aways ask for chocolates from the Creators and make warm tea for you.
• If you ask, he'd massage you even if he's on the verge of collapsing.
• Because "The pain I'm going through is not even half of what you're going through, love"
• Smiley kisses.
• He'll always ask for your consent before he touches you beacuase he knows that some times, you don't wanna be touched
• He'll let you rest and would stand up for you to the other boys who don't understand that periods are much worse than "a kick to the groin"
• Even though you don't need it, he'll protect you. Like he knows you can handle it, but he'd rather not let you do anything. And it's not like he doesn't believe in you, he just doesn't want you to waste your time on those shuckfaces.
• The others are pretty understanding too.
• Minho would make you laugh even if you dont want to. Thomas would bring you anything you'd ask for if Newt is busy. Fry
would give you extra food (and sometimes bake your favourite cookies)
• Even if you snap at Newt at random times, he'd be understanding and calm you down.
• Night cuddles
• Neck kisses
• He'd do just about anything to make you feel good about yourself even if you feel disgusting.
• But your first period in the Glade was...a little less than fine.
• you were running in the maze, doing your job, and you felt miserable already.
• You were sweaty, tired, and your cramps were killing you
• You knew your period we coming but you didn't know how to tell the boys
• so as fast as you could, you ran back to the Glade and wore a pad/tampon 'cause y'know, you were bleeding
• And when you were about to go back to the maze again (still feeling like someone was stabbing your uterus)
• And Newt saw you coming out of the bathroom
uh oh, here it goes
• Talking ensued, questions were asked
• Let's just say the rest of your week, you were treated like a Queen
• And everyone still treats you like one
• Random hugs by Newt
• Stealing his comfy hoodies
• C'mon, we all need a Newt
Kudos to all women and girls that go through this pain. You're a badass, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Stay safe, wash ya hands, kids!
Keep reading, Bookworms!
~ Izzy ❤

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