//Vision (Part 2)// ~Newt~

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If it weren't for the shouting, you would definitely have been woken up by the throbbing in your head.
You remembered everything- every little detail of how that boy, Dean, looked at you and how he hit you.
You also remembered that you tried to hit him. With a stick.

"But he broke it!" One voice said. You knew that there was only one person in the whole Glade that had an accent like that- Newt.
"That doesn't mean we banish him, Newt. Two days and nights in the pit, minimal food, that's it. You're being unreasonable. Just because-" His speech was cut of by Newt.
"He hurt her, Alby. If I can remember correctly, it was you who told us that hurting another Glader results to banishment!" He retorted.

You groaned and shifted uncomfortably in your cot, which made all of their attention direct towards you.
You sat up slowly, so as to not aggravate the shooting pain in you head and neck, and opened your eyes.
"The decision is final, Newt. I have veto power." Alby concluded, followed with his heavy footsteps that lead outside the med-jack hut.

"Hey, love." Newt said. Even through your blurred vision, you could see him giving you a comforting smile. A smile that in turn, made you smile, temporarily forgetting about the pain.

Sometimes, just the simplest of gestures can go a long way.

"How are you feeling right now?" He asked, his smile not wavering.
"I'm okay. As okay as a person who got beaten up would be." You croaked, looking up at his distorted figure.
"Wh-Where are my glasses?"
He sighed.
"Dean, he broke them. Said he didn't mean to, that shank. Cracked in his bloody head, messing with a girl like you,"
You didn't need your glasses to see the guilt building up behind his eyes, it was clear in the tone of his voice that he was disappointed with himself.
'I want to be your professional protector, love, which means no shank can mess with you as long as I'm here.' He had said during the tour he gave you yesterday.
You took his hand in yours and said, "Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault. You did everything you could."
"But I wasn't fast enough. I could've done much more to the shuck faced shuck head, but I didn't. I feel like a sissy right about now."
"Don't call yourself that, okay? There are plenty of people that look up to you, Newt, who admire you. Including me. And you know that if I were you, I would've done the same thing, and you would've too. So don't blame yourself. You're the toughest shank here, and I love you for that." You said, not thinking twice about what you had rambled on.
When you finally looked up at him, his mouth was open so wide that even you could see it.
Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Please tell me this is a nightmare.
But of course, you couldn't have been blessed like that. It was all real.
At that moment, you wanted to rewind the time. You wanted to go to the Creators and ask them to make a time machine for you.
But that too, could not be possible.

It was true, whatever you had said to him. And you knew, that even though you had been here for more or less than two days, you knew the guy. You knew the feeling of his lips against yours, even though you hadn't experienced it yet. You knew the feeling of his warm embrace, his sloppy kisses on your cheek, and his whispering of sweet and encouraging things in your ear, even though you did not know what it was like.
It  was as though you had done all these things in your sleep, as though you were conscious and unconscious at the same time.
You looked up at him again, as he was leaning in, his eyes closed.
Well that escalated quickly, you thought, as you closed your eyes shut, and leaned in, too.
It happened. Your first kiss, at least in your memory.

"Well, well, well, what's going on here? We  leave you guys alone for two shuckin' minutes, and you guys start reproducing?"
You heard the sassy tone of the one and only Minho say.
"Shut it, Minho."
"Well, when are you guys gonna tell us about this amazing achievement you just unlocked, Newt?"
Oh how you wanted to punch him at that moment.
"Get out." Newt said, his voice as stern as you had ever heard it.

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