||Always Mine|| ~Newt~

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“Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute, alone?” Newt asks, and you happily oblige, putting down your clipboard which was keeping track of all the medicines that are there, and that are needed in the med-hut.

“Sure,” You say, with a smile on your face, as you happily follow him to the Homestead.

You enter Newt’s messy room, with his clothes in one big pile, and a few papers with scribbles of writing all over them. His bed was unmade, which made you sigh.

“How many times do I have to remind you to clean your room?” You ask, starting to fold the huge pile of clothes in the corner, when you're stopped by a pair of strong arms grab you from behind. You smile. “Long day?” You ask, as you hear a deep sigh coming from Newt.

“Yes, love.”

You smiled, knowing what to do. “Sit.” You simply commanded, pointing to the bed. Newt did the same, not wanting to waste any time.

You sat behind him, with his head on your lap. You smiled and hummed a tune you couldn’t remember, but loved (it's ‘you are my sunshine’, btw), as you start massaging his head, occasionally sprinkling a few kisses on his cheek and forehead. He hummed in content, as you giggled.

“So, how was your day?” You asked, still massaging his head, with your fingertips touching his fluffy sandy blond hair.

“Hectic. The Greenie is yet to come, then it'll be even more bloody hectic, with me answering his questions and all. Shuck-faced creators and Alby can't give me a break.” He sighed. You suddenly had an idea.

“Hey, how about I show the Greenie around?” You asked, with hope laced in your voice.

“No, love. I know how they are, they might try to flirt with my girl and I don’t want that to happen. I love you, Y/N.”

“Then why don’t we tell everyone? Why are we keeping our relationship a secret? If they know that you are mine and I am yours, they won't bother us, Newt.” You said.

Your relationship had been a secret for two months now, and you felt like you were ready to tell it to the rest of the Gladers. Plus, it will also put an end to all the catcalls you get, after they get to know that you are taken by the most intimidating person in the glade, their Second- in- Command.

“I know love, but what if something happens to us? Our relationship? Our friends wont know who to hang out with, and we'll always be in conflict because of that.” He answered.

“So you’re saying that we may not work?” You felt a pang of sadness. You didn’t want to show it, but you doubted that thought the second Newt got up from your lap, concern all over his beautiful features.

“No, love I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, I am sorry. I love you Y/N, and I-” He was cut off by a loud banging on his door.

“Y/N, come on we got a Slicer problem!” It was Clint. You sighed, as you pecked newt gently on his lips. He sighed too, and mumbled something about ‘cant get a break with the love of my life, bloody shanks.’ You smiled as you headed out the door.

______________Time skip______________

Newt’s P.O.V.:

After showing the Greenie around, and lighting the bonfire, I went over to where Minho was, with Gally’s drink in my hand. It had been a long day, and I hadn’t seen Y/N since the time she massaged my scalp. Since then, I have thought a lot about what she said, and I wasn’t afraid any more. I knew that she was the only thing giving me hope to survive this bloody hell of a place. I was going to kill myself again, until she came. I love her so much, and every time she is with one of the Gladers, laughing off, I get so jealous, that I want to punch the guy square in the face and tell him that she is mine. No matter how much I tell her that I love her, it doesn’t even make up a quarter of what I feel towards her. I love her so bloody much it’s frustrating. I brush my hand through my hair as I think. I decide to take a detour from whatever klunk Minho was talking about, and made my way to find Y/N. I smiled, knowing that I would be reunited with my love.

When I finally found her though, it was her and the Greenie, with his back towards me. Y/N was laughing to something he said, though I could tell she didn’t enjoy being with him. Her eyes didn’t sparkle the same way they did when I made her laugh, and I could see right through her that she was very bored. I smiled, knowing that even though this Greenie was giving her a hard time, she still made him feel better by laughing. I stood there, still smiling as I saw Y/N’s features lit by the flames of the bonfire, which made her look truly heavenly than she already was.

 I stood there, still smiling as I saw Y/N’s features lit by the flames of the bonfire, which made her look truly heavenly than she already was

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Your P.O.V.:

You mentally sighed. You wished Newt was here, you craved for his presence, and thought how he could handle Greenies like these. The thought itself made you shudder. You didn’t want to tell it to the Greenie though, you knew it would hurt his feelings. You smiled again, not knowing what the Greenie was talking about. You felt as though someone was looking at you, so you looked around without it being too obvious. As you were checking, you saw Newt, standing right in front of you, smiling. You smiled too, not paying attention to the Greenie who was now leaning in, apparently for a kiss.

You looked back at the Greenie, and panic filled your lungs. You sat there, not moving and wide-eyed. You didn’t know what to do. You looked around again, hopefully wanting Newt to see you and save you, but he was nowhere to be seen.

As you sat there, you saw a hand coming from behind you, punching the Greenie, giving him a nasty bruise. You watched as the same hand pulled your wrist so tightly that it hurt. The figure was now moving up to the front of the bonfire, where all the Keepers were. You knew whose hand it was, but you looked up just in case. As suspected, it was Newt. You were surprised by the force he used on you, your hands now turning slightly blue. You struggled out of is grip, but to no use.

When he finally let go of your hand, there was a circle of spectators, waiting for drama to happen. That’s when you looked up and finally saw Newt’s expression. It was full of rage, but you knew it wasn’t towards you.

What he did next surprised you the most. He grabbed your collar and pulled you in for a kiss. Since you were still in a shock, you didn’t know what was happening for a split second, but you eventually melted into the kiss.

It was rough, as if this was what he wanted to do for a long time, which you guessed he was. He took out all the frustration that had built up inside of him, and when you both finally pulled apart for air, you heard cheers and hollers all around you.

You smiled. “So, you finally found the courage, huh?”

He chuckled a bit. “I just wanted everyone to know that you are always mine. I love you, Y/N, and I never want any other shank to come here and think they can win you over.”

“I love you too, Newt. And I promise that I will never leave you for someone else. You will always be my first and last love.” You said, as he leaned in for another kiss.

‘always mine’, he had said. If only he knew that you were never anybody else’s. Only his. Only.
~ XOXO, Izzy <3

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