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Set in the scorch (movie version)
Ps: I don't know the exact lines from the movie, so just go with it.

"So, what's your plan?" Newt asked Thomas, with your cold hand in his warm one.

You had just woken up from a kind of forced coma W.I.C.K.E.D. had put you in, woken up by Newt telling you that the place you thought was the 'safe haven' was dangerous. Eventually, one thing led to another, and the next thing you knew, you were escaping W.I.C.K.E.D. and were now in an abandoned mall with no place to go and nothing to eat.

"You do have a plan right?" You asked, voice slightly wavering.
He just looked at all of the Gladers- the remaining ones- with a slight look of guilt.
"So you're saying that you just led us here, without anywhere to go?" Newt asked him, almost yelling.
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze that told him to calm down.

"Maybe we should just start exploring this place," Minho suggested.
In your weak condition, you thought this was a good idea and nodded your head like everyone else.
"Okay, me and Minho will go check this place out, and you guys can look for supplies." Thomas said, as everyone dispersed to do some scavenging.

You looked around, trying to find something that might help the group in any way.
As you were making your way through the piles of dust and objects that cluttered the ground, you heard distant cries of a person, which you soon recognized as a child's cries.
At first you thought that the voice too, like the majority of the population, were infected by the Flare which was slowly making them go crazy. But as you neared the voice, something in your gut told you to stay there and comfort them. It couldn't be anything that dangerous if it was just a little kid.
You made your way to the sound, which was getting louder and louder by the second, indicating that you were getting closer to it.
You found yourself in the middle of a broken down corridor, as the sound echoed through the walls. You turned around, to find the source of the horrid cries, and-with the dim light of your torch- found a little girl, maybe 5 years old, rubbing her eyes as tears flowed down her cheeks. She was tightly gripping a teddy bear, as though it was her only last shred of hope, which quite frankly, you thought it was.
You advanced slowly and crouched down beside her, making yourself at her height so she wouldn't feel threatened.
"Hello there, what's your name?" You asked her in a soft comforting voice, which probably came out hoarse.
She flinched, as the tears rolled down her cheek faster.
"No, no, I'm not going to hurt you, I swear. See?" You said as you showed her your empty palm, and smiled.
"It's okay, love no need to be sacred. I'm just going to carry you out of this place, okay? We'll get you in some warm clothes." You said, using the nickname Newt uses for you, which you hoped would make her calm down.
She continued crying, though, but she accepted your offer and spread her arms out, still clutching her teddy bear, indicating that she wanted to be picked up.
You smiled and gave yourself a mental high - five, as you carried her back to where you came from.

Back where everyone was, Newt was searching for you everywhere and was worried suck of a crank had caught you or something bad had happened and regretted that he didn't go with you.
He sighed after he caught the sight of you and ran towards you. He stopped, however, when he saw that you were carrying something on you shoulder.
"Where were you, love? We were looking all over for you. And what's that?" He asked with his gaze on the precious load you were carrying.
"It's a kid. I found her crying and brought her back. Look, I know what you're going to say, but Newt I couldn't just leave her there without doing anything." You explained, even before he could scold you for bringing a child back.
You thought he and the others would lash out on you and say that now they had another extra person to worry about, but you were surprised by the response they gave you.
Newt just smiled and kissed you, as Frypan and Winston took the kid and were asking her questions and making her feel more comfortable with them, talking in baby voices and making her laugh. Teresa was nowhere to be seen.
"You're so amazing, Y/N." Newt said after kissing you softly.
"What? I-I thought that you'll yell at me for bringing another burden here." You said in confusion.
He chuckled and looked at you, "well, if anything, I just think you've brought more happiness to us. Look at them. Now they have something more to fight for. Surely they won't want to make her cry." He said, looking at Fry and Winston.
You smiled.

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