//Vision (Part 1)//~Newt~

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Third Person P.O.V. :

There was nothing remarkable about that day, except the expected arrival of a new boy in the place they called the Glade. The Box alarm had gone off just about five minutes ago, so the boys were scurrying around the place to get everything ready, especially for the bonfire that night.

Finally, after ten more minutes of anticipation, everyone gathered around the Box in a circle, with the Second in Command, who was the best with calming the Greenies down, right in the front of the opening.

These days had the same routine as the other greenie days, but everyone was always exited, as the same night would be held a bonfire and there would be a holiday the next day, with only one activity being performed in the Glade- the tour for the Greenie.

Newt opened the door, and found something no one in the Glade had seen till now.

It was a girl.

Even though they had never seen them, they were sure that this new species with longer hair than theirs, curves in her body that the others didn't have, and kind eyes instead of the rough ones the other boys had, was in fact a girl.

Newt carefully stepped inside the box, so as to not startle her. She seemed just as confused and scared as the other boys, but there was something on he bridge of her nose that the others had also not seen till now. Glasses. That was as new to them as Newt's accent when he first came to the Glade.

(These are the ones you are wearing)

"Where am I? What is this place? Why don't I remember my name?" she asked the blond, her eyes wide under her glasses.

The others, still crowded around the pair, intrigued, started to ask questions.

"Is she the last girl that exists?"

"Is there another one? I think Newt already took her."

"What's that near her eyes? Can I get one?"

"Slim it! Go to work if you want a break day tomorrow!" Newt yelled over the crowd, which eventually dispersed.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" she asked again.

This was going to be a long day.

____________at the bonfire___________

"Hey, Y/N, c'mere, join us!" Minho called out to the girl, who had remembered her name earlier that day (which Newt had thought was a wonderful name).

Y/N did as she was asked to do, and joined the circle of laughing boys that were intoxicated on Gally's obnoxious concoction, which she kindly refused to have.

She never got to know the rest of the Gladers, since she would only talk to Newt, so might as well get to know them now, she thought.

It turned out to be a pleasant conversation and till now, no one had mentioned her glasses-the thing she was insecure about. Although, several boys had come up to her asking her to give them her glasses to try, and she was compelled to oblige every single time.

By the end of the night, she had mingled with almost every Glader, and enjoyed the interaction she had with them.

But there was something different about Newt-she knew it in her heart and so did he. It was finally time to go to bed, with Y/N given her own temporary hammock beside Newt and Minho, who insisted her to sleep there so they could "protect" her.

That night, the girl slept with emotions swarming through her and she could make out the strongest one- trust.

_____________the next morning_________

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