A little bit about ourselves :)

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Hello, Bookworms! We hope y'all are doing well! This isn't exactly a chapter, but we've got a great one coming, promise.
Last week or so, we got tagged by BloodyinspiredTri in which we had to state 13 facts about ourselves. We know we're late, we couldn't really find time to sit down and call each other about it, but here are some facts about us anyways.

Facts about Izzy will be in italics and facts about Amy will be in bold. Combined facts will be in italic bold :)

1. I am a  picky eater, and I hate tomatoes. I can eat the sauce on the pizza, but I hate  the skin of it. I also hate onions and bananas lol
1. I will literally eat anything that's edible  on my plate

2. We are friends since we were in the 6th grade, and we haven't fought ever since we were.

3. I'm vegetarian
3. I eat meat, but I hate eating fish.

4. The entirety of Tumblr is my spirit animal
4. Beyoncé is my spirit animal

5. I never really liked reading books till I was like 10. All I read was wimpy kid and dork diaries. My first actual book was Harry Potter and the philosopher 's stone.
5. I do calligraphy? I'm pretty good at lettering and drawing.

6. I don't like huge crowds and gatherings. If there's someone coming to my house, I'll probably be hiding in my room with a bag of chips.
6. Whenever I  get lost in  my thoughts or just thinking about something, I'll just stare at anything. Even in the middle of conversations lol

7. We really like Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody.

8. ‎we both don't like Justin bieber. His songs or just him...no. (no offence)

9. I'm a huge scatterbrain. I think about multiple things at once, and you'll think it's confusing, but not to me lol. You'll just find me fidgeting with something, even if I'm not nervous. But nervousness peaks it up.
9. I like being in, what I like to call, an organized chaos. Everything around me may be in a  mess, but at least I know where everything is.

10. We like deep thoughts. What happens when you die? Are there other worlds like ours? Stuff like that. Once, we made a five or six paged book about "deep thoughts"

11. My favorite season/weather is winter.
11. My favorite season/weather is anything except monsoon

12. We're both Indian. (Maybe you already knew heh) Our names are fake cause it might be too hard to pronounce lol, but it's also due to personal reasons.

13. I am the youngest in my family
13. I have a twin :/ (who looks nothing like me, btw)

So there ya go! We don't really have many people to tag, but umm.. we'll try our best? Here goes:
deathcuretommy1 , HeckinHollander  , -secretforthemad- , ilarbnoone3000 , springtimelilys, Nayeli_Ocho04

We hope that's enough...
So, yeah! To the people who were tagged, write 13 facts about yourself and come up with a nice original title :)
I'm (Izzy) as interesting as a leaf, so I hope that gave you a little bit to know about ourselves..

On another note, thank you for 800+ reads!!! We can't believe it! Thank you guys for voting, commenting, or just simply reading! It really means a lot to us.  💓❤

If you guys have any constructive criticism, please feel free to tell us! We'd love to improve ourselves.
All requests (except smuts) are open!

Also a very happy birthday to BloodyinspiredTri ! (Belated or advance, we just read it in your tagged chapter :) Thank you for your support on our books!
If you haven't checked her out, please do! She writes amazing stories!

Hope you guys are doing okay :)
Love ya!
~ Izzy ❤ and Amy ;)

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