//The Unexpected Saviour (Part 1)//~Newt~

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Second person P.O.V.


You were sure by now you had screwed yourself, as you ran for your life from that hideous spider looking thing.
You didn't know how and where you were but, at that moment it didn't matter.
You just ran and ran even though your legs started to hurt, that thing won't even leave you alone, and just like that you were running, turning corners, falling and trying not to let those knife tentacle things of that spider touch you.
Finally, you saw two walls closing, but they were closing fast and if you wouldn't be quick enough then, it would be a you pancake and not the spider pancake, even though either would be gross but honestly you preferred the latter, at least that thing would stop. So, you went for it, waited for the spider to get closer and ran through the closing walls, with all the energy that you could muster, you pushed yourself out and the spider became a pancake, and at that moment when you should be celebrating your victory, your legs gave out under you and the world just went into a spiral.

You woke up to the same walls, but this time they were open again and that spider was standing above you drooling and pointing its tentacle knife, right over your heart, and right when it was about to push it in, you woke up not to the walls this time but to a room which looked makeshift with sticks and all. Apart from all this it was very confusing because you remember passing out, beside the walls......then,
"Holy shuck! She woke up!"
A boy was standing there, eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost, so after this amazing introduction, your first instinct was to grab the pillow and use it as a shield, Yeah right Y/N, great move you are so protected! , you thought.
By the time you had removed the pillow as your shield, there were a bunch of boys, crowding outside the room trying to peek in, and out of them two boys one with dark skin and a grumpy expression and the other with blonde hair and a limp came in and to be honest the blond one was kinda cute looking, but you weren't going to let your guard down yet. As they approach you, all you did was try to shrink into the wall behind and, hoping that you could disappear and get out of here.
"There is no need to be scared." The blond one said, and he did have an accent, probably British and if it was possible your body relaxed slightly at his tone, at least it suggested that he won't hurt you, but you couldn't take a chance.
"Hey, listen it's alright you don't have to worry, we will not hurt you." "Okay", you thought what did you have to lose anyway, "Who are you and where am I and what is this place, why are they staring at me and who got me her-" " Okay, wait up, that's too many bloody questions, calm down."
"Then, what am I supposed to do, shut up and stare at a stranger, who isn't even ready to answer my questions and is telling me to calm down, I'm sorry but I can't right now." You say all of that as the blond dude stares at you with a partially open mouth, as if trying to understand what you said. There is silence for a whole minute till the boy next to him starts to speak, " Okay fine ask your questions, but one at a time, we are gonna leave till you are done because honestly I don't have enough patience as Newt here has." Saying this he left and the other boys also dispersed, leaving you and the guy 'Newt', alone.

God, this is going to be one hell of a conversation, You thought.

Hi! Amy here, firstly I would like to apologise for the amount of cliff hangers, secondly I am sorry for not being as active as Izzy, thats cause of school and my stupid ass choosing the harder part of the subject, and finally, I am so thankful for the response from you guys, we are seriously 8 reads away from 100, Ahh, it feels so good and I ( or we are) am so damn happy , but anyways we have a bunch of things in store for you guys, all you gotta do is wait till 100 ( here's another cliff hanger, I am just going to say sorry in advance).

~ Love, Amy ;)

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