//A/N (important)//

165 3 0

Hello, fellow booksworms!

We have a few things to address...
We will be taking a break from Wattpad for about two months.
I know, that's a lot, but we have these things called prelims (Idk if you guys have them too) which are basically like pre-exams, in which we have to study the whole book and give the exam for 80 marks. Then we have a few weeks of break and then, we have our main exams for 100 marks in which we also have to study the whole book....
So yeah, we're kinda in a pickle.
So even though we are on Christmas vacation rn, we still have to spend our whole time studying (even on new year's eve).
We will be posting some imagines here and there (during our short break) but for the most part, we won't.
We're so sorry. We didn't want this to happen, especially after we reached 100 reads, and we also have to post a new book, and have LOTS of ideas that need to converted into actual imagines.
Like, seriously, we have two pages full of ideas.
We're terribly sorry, again.

For 124 reads (as of now)!!
I don't know if you guys saw my message or not but here it is:

Also, THANK YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!For 124 reads (as of now)!!I don't know if you guys saw my message or not but here it is:

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We can not thank you guys enough. If it weren't for y'all, we would've quit writing. Seriously.
Thank you guys, for voting, commenting, following and reading.
Special thanks to our first reads (you know who you are).
We love you guys so much.
Thank you, again, for understanding.
Bye. (For now ;)
~XOXO, Izzy ♡ and Amy ;)

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