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Warnings: very angsty, maybe a bit of a trigger warning. Also, I made Newt a bit of a dick in this one, but I promise a fluffy chapter next.
Summary: reader wants to be free again.

I was feeling for the need of angst, and so here's the product :)


"Just stop it! Shucking stop!" he yelled, rage clear on his face.

"I can't deal with this anymore. We'll talk tomorrow." With that, he left.

You rubbed your eyes and sighed. Your cheeks were stained with new tears, but he didn't care. You flopped into the "shared" bed, releasing all of your pent up emotions. When had it started to be like this almost everyday?

Well, you were sure it started when the new girl came. A Greenie, scared, tired, and paranoid. It wasn't anything new, the Creators were now sending up girls. Till now, five girls, including you and Teresa, had come up. It was normal now, and Newt showed her around and explained her everything like he did to everybody. You all laughed and drank, all in a group, and made sure to include the Greenie. She was happy too, a fair amount of blush would spread on her cheeks whenever someone complimented her. She was pretty, and everything she did had a certain amount of grace and confidence. She was kind and funny, and quickly became more acquainted to the situation with each passing hour.

You started to notice it after a month of her arrival. By then, she had gained a fair amount of your trust, and you counted her as a friend. she said her name was Alexis, and you all happily introduced yourselves to her.

You couldn't pin point when or how exactly it happened, but it did. Newt slowly started distancing himself, and at first it scared you. But after talking to him about it, he said he was fine. He seemed happy and healthy, and you wouldn't find him crying like....the last time he distanced himself. So, you let him be, trying not to be called the girlfriend who was 'clingy' or 'jealous'. And truly, you weren't jealous. You knew he had friends, and that he mingled well with everyone, so you were happy that he was happy. But though it started slow, you started noticing things weren't the way they used to be. He wouldn't wish you in the morning, wouldn't hold your hand or openly but lovingly kiss you on the cheek, wouldn't call you the sweet named he made for you. You didn't think much of it, but it really started escalating when once you tried to hold his hand, but he physically shrugged it off. It was like he was...ashamed of you. You looked at him when he did, but he refused to meet your gaze. you didn't confront him about it, and you didn't know why. Maybe if you had, he would've apologized. But that wouldn't have prevented this.

Then, he started sitting with her instead of you. He didn't even look your way after he grabbed his plate, he just walked right where she was sitting, and sat with her. Teresa looked at you, to which you shrugged. But she knew that hurt. You had always told her about your insecurities, that would probably find someone better than you, and he did.

That night, you both fought the first of your many fights. Eventually, Minho and Thomas got to know about it, but they couldn't help anything, and you didn't blame them either. You didn't know who to blame, so you kept it all to yourself. You'd cry at night, whenever he'd leave after a fight, trying to find a reason to hold on.

This night, you couldn't find any.

You woke up to the sun brightly shining through the Glade. Your eyes were puffy, you were sure you had bags under your eyes. You couldn't sleep well that night- you never could, not without Newt, anyway. Your neck was sore, it always was now-a-days.

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