||Stood Up|| ~T.B.S. Imagine~

721 9 6

A/N: trigger warning (not intense, though)

You sat there, in this fancy restaurant, with a drink in you hand. Where was he? You though to yourself. You couldn't believe this. You had gotten stood up, again. And this time it was worse. You actually liked the guy. His name was Tobias, a man with amazing features, pitch black hair and dark brown eyes. You met him in a dating app, one which your friend had forced you to install and try out. You didn't want to, you didn't like socializing. You had spent your last birthday sitting in bed reading books and listening to music, which in your eyes, was the ideal day.

You already had tears in your eyes. You had been waiting for almost 45 minutes now, and you hadn't eaten anything. You even dressed up in your most fanciest gown, you really wanted to impress this guy.

You texted him a couple of times, asking his whereabouts, but it was useless. You even called him once, but he didn't answer. You didn't want to seem needy, so you waited. You waited and waited, until many families had already had a filling dinner and went away. Even the waiters started giving you a strange look. You couldn't handle it any more, and decided to finally call him, again.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Hey." He finally answered.

"Hello, this is Y/N. I have been waiting here for a couple of minutes and I was wondering where you were?" You lied, but it was partially true.

"Yeah, I am sorry to inform you this late, but, you know my girlfriend? Well, she kind of apologized to me and I realized that I still love her, so-"

You cut the call. You usually weren't like this, but you lost it.

Tears stung your eyes. Why am I crying? You asked yourself, but you knew why.

Every time any of this ever happened, you blamed yourself for it. Am I not good enough? Would always be your go to question.

You quickly motioned for the waiter to come over with your cheque, even though you only had a glass of wine

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You quickly motioned for the waiter to come over with your cheque, even though you only had a glass of wine. You didn't want any more tears to fall, so you quickly wiped the ones that existed on your cheek, telling yourself that it was okay. You were fine.

But am I, though?

The waiter came up with your cheque. You were just about to open your wallet to give him your credit card, when you saw that a hand was already doing it. You looked up at the figure, wondering why they did so.

A sandy blonde haired man was looking at you kindly, smiling. You had to admit, he was attractive. The moment you laid your eyes on him, you knew that he wouldn't hurt you. Something about his brown, twinkling eyes told you to trust him. And you wanted to, you really did, but right now, you just wanted to go to the bathroom and ball your eyes out.

"Hello, my name is Thomas. I couldn't help but look at your direction. You look really beautiful, miss...?" He asked, his smile never faltering.

"Oh Y/N, my name is Y/N" You replied, giving him your infamous fake smile to cover up your actual sad and broken expression underneath. "Thank you so much for paying, Thomas. I really don't know what to say,"

"Its always my pleasure to treat people who deserve it. Tell me, Y/N what's bothering you? If you don't mind me asking," He asked, his expression now changing into a sympathetic one. He must've seen you get stood up.

You told him the entire story, from start to finish. Surprisingly, he listened to you, intently. Its been a while since someone took you seriously. You wondered if it was just an act, it had been hard for you to trust anybody, especially by an obvious stranger.

Is he even a stranger?

You finished the story with tears in your eyes.

"Everything okay, love?" He asked, his voice obviously accented.

"Yeah," You barely managed to croak it out, with a big lump in your throat. You didn't even register that he called you love. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom" You said, as you scurried to it without even waiting for his answer. Not that he was going to say no.

You quickly went in a cubicle and slammed the door shut, and cried. You cried for what seemed like hours, with your make up streaming down your face mixed with your salty tears.

"Y/N?" You heard your name being called from outside of the bathroom, by the same accented voice who you told you entire story to.

You quickly unlocked your cubicle, and washed of whatever weird mixture your make up and tears had formed, and opened the door to the bathroom. As expected, it was Thomas.

You thought he would run away. You thought he would never show his face to you ever again. But you were wrong. And for once, it felt good to be wrong.

He looked at you and didn't say anything. Instead, he hugged you. His embrace had so may emotions, you didn't even know that a hug could hold so many emotions. Care, warmth, trust, love.

You both finally pulled away, your heart still beating so fast that it made you think that you just ran a marathon, in heels.

"Y/N, I really like you. I watched for a while on your table and I couldn't just ignore you flawlessness. And I don't care if that sounds creepy. You are so brave, Y/N. I really like you." He repeated.

You did what was the most logical thing you could think of. You pulled him closer.......

and kissed him.

And that made the hole in your heart disappear, maybe not completely, but slowly. You could feel it already mending.

And it mended.


Okay, that was cringy. I thought it was better in my head, and I tried making changes in it but I couldn't make it the way I wanted it to. I am sorry if you expected something else. But on a completely different note, I got eleven reads!!!!! I am so happy. My jaw dropped. I thought I was dreaming. Thank you guys so much and please don't forget to vote and comment on my imagines if you liked them. And also don't forget to follow us! Thank you!

Also a special shout out to BloodyInspiredtri, she is inspiring, and one of the best authors I know. If you guys don't know her, please go check her out too and don't forget to follow her, too!

~ XOXO, Izzy <3

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