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(Second person/Newt's POV)-

Newt sighed as he bend down to pick up some of the fertile soil by the river.
It was one of his many daily chores— as if looking over more than sixty boys wasn't hard enough.

At least he had her.

She was there through his ups and downs, his bad days and good. She was the one to make him laugh when he didn't even feel like it, she was there to pick up his pieces and join him back together when he had shattered down to nothing.
If people didn't know the situation better, everybody would probably say they were a couple. Or lovers. They both would always correct them, saying they were just friends.
But... he wanted more.
He felt as though he didn't deserve her.
Of course, there were more boys in the Glade, boys that he thought were better than him, boys that could make her happier than he could ever make her.
Shuck, he didn't even have the guts to tell her that he liked her!
And with her being the only and probably the most beautiful girl there ever was, that didn't make things easy.

But it wasn't her beauty and body that he craved.
He craved her personality. Her presence that was loving and comforting at the same time. He liked her weird mannerisms. Her lip-bites. The way she acted awkward around people, but also somehow confident. The way she seemed so brave; like she could beat the klunk out of a person if they wronged her, braver than any person in the world, but acted vulnerable around him. He didn't know how or when she had this effect on him.

He felt safe around her too. She made his true colours come out. It felt so easy being with her. He didn't need to care about his 'Second-in-Command' persona. He didn't need to be this person that she would look up to. He was her friend, and unfortunately nothing more.

He wasn't scared about the situation they were in. Being trapped inside a maze with horrendous creatures, isn't really an ideal place to live in. But that's what drove him to want to ask her. That they may not have a tomorrow to live for. That their time was running out, and he didn't even have the amazing taste of love. Yet.
And Alby even told him it would be okay to have relationships. There were a few boys who were dating some other boys around the place, and there was no problem with them, and everyone knew Newt and (Y/N), being few of the responsible people in the Glade, wouldn't do something stupid.

His thoughts were all over the place, his brows furrowed as he trudged through the muddy swamp area of the Glade. He had grown fond of this place, ever since (Y/N) came, he appreciated it even more. After all, it was her idea of fun that they could all go swimming in it.
One more reason to fall in love with her.

"Come on, princess. It'll just be a one time thing, no-one will have to know." He heard a deep voice, not so far in the distance.

Those words somehow angered him.
A sudden urge came over him, an urge to follow the voice and then punch the guy who was saying these horrid words to the one that brought him happiness.
He decided to do the former.

He made quite steps towards the source of the voice, making sure not to step on a crunchy leaf or stick causing it to make a sound. He wanted to be extremely quite, he wanted to hear this conversation without them noticing.
He knew eavsdropping was wrong, but he wanted to do it. Especially because it was his (Y/N) involved in this.
He wanted to see her reaction- he knew she would, no doubt, be scared, but she would hide it by acting like nothing would happen to her. He knew she could handle this situation.
But deep down, he wanted to know her answer. Did she want to do such a thing with this boy?
Or did she like someone else?
He wanted to know. Suddenly it was as though his whole life was built up to this moment.
Whenever the pair talked, they didn't talk about all of this mushy 'being in love' stuff. They talked about serious matters by joking around with it. Like- 'Do you think there will be unicorns out of the Maze?' or, 'what if the world is this crazy place that's filled with zombies, and we're like the saviours.' (which seemed to be (Y/N)'s personal favourite.)
So naturally, Newt wanted to know. But he couldnt go ahead and ask her, out of the blue. She'd be suspicious.

"No, Alex, I'm not going to do that." Newt heard her angelic voice speak, which was now laced with sterness.
They were not that far away from the Glade, just on the outskirts of the Deadheads, where everyone could probably have a clear view of them if they would notice.

"I'm not going to let you go until you do."
Alex, the most recent Greenie, said.
Only then did Newt peer from the tree he was sheilding himself from, that Alex had a firm grip on (Y/N)'s wrist, digging his fingernails in her soft skin.

"No." She repeated firmly.

Newt felt a certain sense of pride. He smirked, knowing what she would probably do.

Alex chuckled darkly. "No? What do you mean no? I won't let you go, and there's nothing you can do about it."

(Y/N) looked at him and smiled.
"Okay. Fine. You asked for this."
She then took a deep breath, as if preparing to scream on top of her lungs, as Alex's eyes went wide.
"No, no, no, no!" He repeated, but she, obviously, wouldn't stop.

"For the last time, Alex, I am not going to clean your klunk! It's not my fault you klunked yourself because of your stupid nightmare! Go clean that up yourself, you shuckfaced shank!" She yelled, as her voice boomed throughout the Glade.

There was a pause.
Then laughter by one person.
Then another.
And another.
And before he knew it, the whole Glade was cracking up, as shouts of 'The Greenie's klunked his pants!' to 'Someone better go get a diaper!' were heard.
Even the 'serious' Alby, who was talking to Minho and Thomas, was bent over laughing, along with the other Runners.
Newt, who was still hiding, was trying to muffle his laughs by clasping his hand to his mouth, as tears escaped his eyes.

He should've listened to her, Newt thought.

Alex looked around, seeing everyone's laughing faces, and tried to convince them, by yelling that it wasn't true. But nobody could hear him over the rumbling laughter.
Newt was sure even the goddamned Creators could hear it, and if they were seeing this, they would be laughing too.

Alex, who looked like he was about to cry, then turned around and ran straight into the Deadheads, muttering a quick apology to (Y/N), who was now giving him an innocent smile.

After the laughter died down a bit, (Y/N), whose back was still turned to Newt, said, "You can come out now, Newt."

He silently came out of his hiding position, his bucket of soil still in his hand, with an awestruck look on his face.

She looked at him and smirked, as she took the bucket from him.
"How did you do that?" He asked.
She giggled.
"It's a natural talent, I guess." She replied.
Minho and Thomas came running over to them, as Minho said, "I've taught you well." while patting (Y/N)'s back.
She rolled her eyes as Thomas gave her a sarcasting comment as well, and they decided themselves and made their way to the Map room, before they forgot the route that they took, as Newt and (Y/N) made their way to the Gardens.

"That was bloody amazing, love." Newt said, while walking next to her.
She giggled again as she looked at him.
"Well, I wouldn't give him the opportunity to do something I want to do with soneone special."

Those words struck a chord in Newt's heart.
"Someone special?"
"Yep. There's only one person in this whole Glade that could ever make me happy." She said, placing the bucket on the ground.
"Who?" Newt blurted out.

She then leaned into him, so her lips were touching his ears, her hot breath on his neck. His breath hitched, as she whispered the words, "You, Newt."
His eyes went wide, as she faced him again.
"We'll meet at seven, then. It's a date." She said, practically telling him to do something special for her.
She smiled in what Newt thought was the most best smile ever, and pressed her soft lips against his cheek, and turned around to leave.
"Wear something nice, Newt!" She called out as she walked to her room in the Homestead.

Newt just stood there, grinning  and blushing like an idiot, touching his cheek where (Y/N) had just kissed him, as the others gave him wierd looks.

Minho and Thomas, however, had seen the whole thing, and were standing off to the side to watch their lovestruck friend, paralyzed, as they continued to laugh like they've never laughed before.
That was sort of nice. I like this one.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing this, bookworms!
Love ya!
~XOXO, Izzy ❤

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