//Subways//~ Newt (AU) hc~

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Yep, another headcanon, since the other chapter is in the works and might take a while.
Also I wanted to say that we won't be doing Thomas imagines anymore, since we don't really feel comfortable about it.
Hope that doesn't change anything.
Here goes
• Living alone was easy enough, your job was tiring but you were passionate about it, so you didn't complain.
• But the commute was a total buzzkill.
• Somedays, you just wanted to go home and sleep, but you had to take this subway ride of about 30 minutes.
• If you were lucky, the subway would be relatively empty, but mostly it was jam packed and sweaty.
• You wanted to get an apartment nearer to your job, but they were expensive. Even a raise wouldn't get you an apartment there.
• So you were in your subway, thankfully sitting down.
• You were coming back home from a tiring day, and you were scrolling  through your phone, tapping away.
• You didn't notice when a person sat next to you, until you fumbled to take out your  earpods from your purse, and they fell.
•  The stranger, seeing your frustration, picked them up and handed them to you.
• You smiled at him and quitely mumbled an apology and a 'thank you', as he smiled.
• The next day, you saw him again
• Again
• And again
• You finally got the balls to introduce yourself, and got yourself a number.
• You had been talking to the blond, brown eyed, guy for quiet a while.
• And you maybe had  a tiny crush on him
• Everytime he looked at you and smiled, tiny butterflies would errupt in your stomach
• And you hadn't felt this way for a long time
• And one day you were gushing about him to your best friend, who just told you "you're sure you don't  love him?"
• That made you stop a bit.
• You didn't dwell on it.
• When you met him next, the subway was really packed so you had to stand.
• And Newt was beside you, talking and smiling
• God, it just lit up your entire world
• And you wanted to kiss him
• But you hid that fact. Or tried to, anyway
• You were laughing along to his story, as the lights went out and the subway jerked to a stop
• And even if it was dark, you would make out his features with the lights of  the other passengers phone flashlights.
• And he was smiling
• So you did it.
• You leaned over, and put a chaste kiss on his lips
• The lights came back in again, and before  you knew it, he was kissing you
• You smiled into the kiss
• It was sweet, and gentle, just like him.
• And you two pulled apart with the most gigantic smiles on your  faces
• "So, should we go on a date?" He  asked
• "Yep"
• Short  and simple
• You didn't know, just  then, that he would be your husband in the span of four amazing years.
~ Izzy

T.B.S./Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now