Chapter 1

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Hello my GoreJus readers! I figured it was time to edit my A/N's now that this story is completed. Thank you all so much for your support, and if you are new, welcome! I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! ^_^ If you love, please don't forget to vote and/or comment! I love you all so much!

Chapter 1

Tears welled in my brown eyes as I clutched my stuffed Gengar and looked at a photo of me and my now deceased mother on my phone. My whole life was going to change now. I was on a plane to Melemele Island in Alola from Lavender Town in Kanto to live with my father that I never even knew the entire fourteen years I've been alive. I had no idea why he wasn't in my life to begin with. My heart was completely broken into two. I didn't want this.

Tears began to fall down my face as I continued looking at my mom's beautiful big white smile. Her black hair contrasted beautifully with her bright, green eyes. A smile I could never ever see again. A hug I could never feel again. All because someone wasn't paying attention and smacked into her on the way home. Not being able to withstand the pain, I locked my phone and sobbed deeply.

'Oh, Emethyst dear, please don't cry." My case worker, Ms. Freya said. She hugged me from her seat next to me.

Tears fell down my face uncontrollably. "Oh, Ms. Freya. I can't get over this. I'm so sad. My life won't ever be the same anymore." I sobbed.

Ms. Freya lifted her black framed glasses onto her face. "Don't say that, sweetheart," She said, as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Think of it as a new adventure. I hear Alola is a beautiful place. Your father seemed pleased to take you in." She reassured.

I pulled away from her. Everything was so heavy on my mind and my heart. It's like I was in a fog of emotions. I didn't really know anything about my father; except that he was a well known Pokemon professor in the Alola region. I don't know how I'm going to act when I first meet him, but one can only hope for the best. I have so much on my mind.

I sighed deeply as I swept my long, pitch black hair off to the side. I put my earbuds in, and tapped the music icon on my phone. Every time I was stressed out, I always turned to music for comfort. It's a way I was kind of raised to deal with my emotions.

Trying to put myself in a good mood; I tapped Dance Like There's No Tomorrow by Paula Abdul and sat back and listened to the music. I clutched my Gengar tight.

This song brought back many memories. I vividly remember my middle school talent show in 6th grade. I was singing this song, and I will never forget the night of the show how nervous I was. I almost didn't make it on stage. But, then I saw my mom took a seat in the front row, and after that my heart rate slowed down. I was able to sing almost perfectly. I say almost because I won third place.

As I slipped out my music induced flashback; I felt the plane begin to descend. I looked out the window, and saw bits and pieces of land in the surrounding, bright blue water. I will admit, it was beautiful. I took out one of my earbuds.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are coming into view of Melemele Island in Alola, approximate land time is fifteen minutes. If you could please stay seated and prepare for landing." The captain said over the speaker.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard this. I knew I would finally meet my father within the next hour.

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