Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Emethyst's POV

If I slept anymore that night, I don't remember it. The sun was shining directly in my face from the ceiling. I looked over at Ash, to see he was still passed out, along with all of his Pokemon from Pikachu, Rockruff, and a Pokemon I hadn't seen previously; which looked to be an owl Pokemon of sorts.

"Haunter!" Haunter materialized in front of my sight, startling me.

I screamed out. "Haunter, will you quit that?!?! The jump scares get old after a while!" I exclaimed a little angrily. Haunter winced in sadness, as he acted like he was going to cry.

"Whoa! What's going on up there?" My dad called out.

I rolled my eyes. "Haunter being my Haunter." I mumbled, as I scratched his head. Haunter had his quirks, but I loved him no matter what. He was and is my very first Pokemon, after all.

My dad giggled. "You two might want to start working on getting up." He said, as he headed towards the kitchen. "Breakfast will be ready in a few."

"Okay." I said, as I got up and looked through my luggage for something to wear that day. I opted for a black mini skirt with purple leggings, with a black tank top to match.  The tank top had a purple colored Haunter silhouette on the chest. This was one of my mom's favorite outfits on me, for I remember her taking me clothes shopping and picking it out.

I walked over to the body mirror, and examined my appearance. My clothes were a little loose on me; considering I haven't been eating much since mom passed away. I can't remember the last time I actually had a decent meal; one that I actually wanted to eat and not just eat because I needed to to keep my heart beating.

I took my long black hair down, and began playing around with it some. It was a little kinky and messy having been in a bun for some time, so I decided to throw it back up into a messy bun. I didn't feel like taking the extra steps to style it this morning.

I finished getting dressed by slipping on my black knee high boots. Grabbing my phone; I climbed down the loft. Suddenly, I heard Rotom Dex begin yelling at Ash to wake up.

"Ash! Wake up! It's two minutes past the time you usually wake up!" Rotom squealed.

"If I needed an alarm clock like that, I'd just quit at life." I laughed under my breath.

Haunter floated down by my side, as I went to the kitchen area and took a seat. Froslass then floated over to mine and Haunter's side, as she rubbed against me affectionately.

"Good morning, Froslass." I said, as I smiled at her, and hugged her back. I felt the Froslassite glowing warmly on my chest, as if it were warming my heart.

Froslass smiled as she held her hand over her mouth, as she normally did. "Froslass." She said, happily.

My dad turned around from the stove, and set a plate of food in front of me, and also one next to me; I assumed for Ash. It wasn't the type I was used to, or normally ate, but I'm always open to trying new things.

"What kind of food do Haunter and Froslass like?" My dad asked.

I shrugged. "Haunter will eat just about anything," I said. I wasn't too sure about Froslass, however. The only thing I've really seen her eat was berries. "Froslass... I'm not too sure about. I've seen her eat berries, mainly." I said, a little unsure.

"No worries," my dad said. "We can always get her to try different foods and see what she likes." He said, and smiled.

With that, Ash took a seat next to me. "Good morning guys!" He exclaimed with joy. I didn't understand how one could be so cheerful all the time. "How are you, Emethyst?" He turned to me, and asked.

My mouth curled into a half smile. No one really asked me these things like Ash did, except for my mom. "I'm okay, thanks." I said, as I began eating. I wasn't very hungry; despite having not ate in while. But I knew I needed to put something on my stomach.

"Are you excited for today?" My dad asked me, as he took a seat next to Ash and I.

I shrugged. "A little, I guess. I'm a bit nervous." I said, as I began thinking what the events of today would bring, for I would be enrolling in Pokemon school. I didn't really know what to expect, or be prepared for. Which is what caused my spout of nervousness.

"But why be nervous?" Ash asked. "I think you're pretty awesome, Emethyst! After what I saw last night, I totally want to battle you and Froslass, and even Haunter!" He exclaimed.

My dad giggled. "Yeah, Ash here is a big one for Pokemon battles." He said.

"I see that." I said, as I closed my eyes cheerfully. Suddenly, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I began to get a chill down my spine, for already knew who it was.

"Haunter..." I mumbled. "Will you quit it?" I asked, as I turned around.

Haunter then made one of his many funny faces. "Haunter!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh so help me if you ever evolve..." I mumbled. Imagining my Haunter as a Gengar was scary. He can act so unruly sometimes.

Ash laughed. "Hey, your Haunter has personality at least." He said. Pikachu then jumped onto Ash's shoulder. "Just like my buddy, Pikachu!"

My dad checked his phone for the time. "Looks like it's about time we hit the trail!" He exclaimed happily.

The moment I heard those words, my stomach dropped in nervousness and I felt the food that I had just eaten begin to make my stomach ache.

"Alright! Let me go grab my backpack." Ash said, as he hurried to the loft.

My dad then walked over to me. My facial expression must have given my nervousness away, for I found him trying to comfort me.

"Hey. Don't worry, you'll fit in just fine." My dad said, as he patted my shoulder. "I'll have your back the whole way, Emethyst. I promise." He said, trying to reassure me.

I wanted to be a bit of a sarcastic butthole, but I held back. Instead, I smiled. "Thanks Dad." I said.

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