Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Emethyst's POV

We were all back in the classroom now. Our desks were turned into a circle for lunchtime, though I didn't feel like being very social. In a way, I kind of wished I was at my old school in Lavender Town. At least there I could sit alone at lunchtime if I wanted to. No one really bothered me too much there, for I stayed to myself most of the time. I watched Froslass and Haunter play around the classroom with everyone else's Pokemon, they both were smiling and appeared to be having fun; which brought a small smile to my face.

My new unfamiliar classmates were chatting with each other, while I was a little dazed by what my dad had told me earlier. I was now completely lost and confused. I had so many questions now. Nothing was adding up. I swear if my mom was still alive, I would have called her right now and asked for an explanation. But I knew if she was still here, then I wouldn't even be sitting in this classroom right now. There was something being hidden in my plain sight, and I didn't like it.

"Hey, Emethyst! That was a pretty awesome battle earlier! We have to do it again!" I jumped out of my skin, as Ash's voice startled my thoughts. I was pretty sure I had just now made a fool of myself, because now everyone got quiet and was now staring at me.

"Whoa, are you okay Emethyst?" Ash asked instantly, as he noticed my eyes bugging out of my head.

I scratched my head in nervousness and smiled instantly to hide my real thoughts. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking the same thing!" I exclaimed awkwardly. "That battle was totally fun!" I felt myself smiling in an unnatural way, that I was for sure would give myself away. Not that I didn't enjoy the battle, but I genuinely had alot on my mind now.

My mom had always told me that we moved away to Kanto when I was really little. She never gave me much detail on my dad either, until I was much older; I was at least six or seven. But something just wasn't adding up or felt right.

I tried my hardest to push the thoughts to the back of my head so I could try my hardest to appear normal and fit in a bit.

Mallow was going on about some new lunch she had apparently made herself. Everyone was seemingly gawking over it; which made absolutely no sense to me. To me, food was food. Then again, my mom had limited income, so we would have to fend for ourselves most of the time when the going got tough.

"Emethyst! Want to try a bite?" Mallow offered me, as she held a fork out with a small bite on it of whatever she had made.

My stomach turned. I didn't want to be rude, but I wasn't in the mood for food at this time. "No thanks. I'm still full from breakfast." I said, smiling light-heartedly.

Mallow returned my smile. "Oh, okay." She said, then shoved the bite into her own mouth.

I looked around, and noticed my dad wasn't around. I thought it was kind of strange, but I figured he had other things to do so I didn't bat much of an eye.

I looked back over at my group of new classmates. All of them were eating their lunches peacefully, as if they didn't have a care in the world. My heart sank a little as I longed for that feeling again. Everything was still heavy on my mind and my heart. I looked down at the froslassite dangling from my neck. I wondered if my mom missed me like I missed her.

"Emethyst, are you sure you're okay?" Lillie's familiar high voice asked, disrupting my thoughts. I turned my attention to her on impulse, and found my eyes locked on her green eyes. Her eyes reminded me so much of my own mother's. I tried to look away, but I couldn't.

I sighed to break the awkward silence. "Yeah, of course. I just have alot on my mind is all." I said, as I rested my head in my hand, my elbow bent on the desk for support.

"Do you feel like talking about it? Talking things out always makes me feel better." Lillie said, as she took a bite of her lunch.

"Uh.." I mumbled, very unsure. Part of me wanted to talk it out, but the other part of me wanted to stay to myself. I don't think she or the class would understand. "No thanks. I don't want to bother you guys with my problems." I finally said, as I looked away.

I looked down, and noticed Lillie's white Vulpix was at my feet looking up at me. "Vul?" It's crystal clear blue eyes were fixated on me, as it began wagging it's poofy six tails.

 "Vul?" It's crystal clear blue eyes were fixated on me, as it began wagging it's poofy six tails

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"Wow! Looks like Snowy likes Emethyst!" Ash exclaimed, as he pointed at the little white Vulpix.

Lillie smiled. "Wow. Normally Snowy kind of stays to herself. You're the first person besides me she's ever approached on her own!" Lillie exclaimed in amazement. "She must like you a lot."

I allowed myself a small smile. I looked back down at Snowy, and put my hand out to pet her. I gently scratched her head with my nails. Her fur was amazingly soft, and had a slight cool feeling to it. It was like petting whipped cream. The Vulpix I was used to had a hot feel, and was red instead of white.

Haunter then approached Lillie, and began pointing to his head; motioning her to scratch his head. I smiled back, because it looked as if Haunter really liked Lillie, just like Snowy liked me. Lillie soon noticed this, and immediately turned whiter than Snowy and began whimpering. Was she scared of ghost Pokemon?

"Oh, he just wants you to scratch his head!" I exclaimed. "He won't hurt you, he just really likes head scratches." I said, reassuring Lillie it was okay.

"It's not that.. I-I've always been-" Lillie stammered, as she played with her hands.

"Alright, class! Big news for tomorrow!" My dad exclaimed, as he walked into the classroom cutting Lillie off, his lab coat blowing in the wind. "We're going on a field trip to Akala Island on Monday!"

The class then began chattering in excitement. However, I went silent. Akala Island? Why did that name ring a bell?

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