Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Emethyst's POV

I'm running and playing with Haunter and Froslass in a bright, beautiful meadow. The sun is shining, the sky is a deep clear blue, and the grass is a beautiful emerald green. I wasn't sure if I was in Alola or Kanto, but it was beautiful. Haunter, Froslass, and I are having such a good time playing, just like old times.

"Emethyst." I hear a familiar, female voice say.

I stand alert, and look straight ahead. There was my mother, with a golden aura around her. Butterfrees and Beautiflies were flying around her. Her beautiful black hair swayed in the wind, her green eyes more vivid than ever as she stared at me lovingly. She was wearing a glittery white dress.

Tears welled in my eyes. "Mom?" I whispered, as a smile spread across my face.

Mom opened her arms wide. I dropped everything I was doing, and ran like I never ran before into her arms.

"I miss you so much!" I wailed, as tears fell down my face.

My mom wrapped her arms around me. "Shhh.. there there. It's going to be alright, you'll see." She said, as she rubbed my back and consoled me.

"Oh mom, why did you have to go?" I cried, tears falling down my face like a waterfall.

She sighed. "Everyone in the world has their time, baby. Where one thing falls, and another grows. Maybe not what was there before, but something new and wonderful all the same." She said, as she hugged me tight.

"But Mom, I feel so lost." I said, as I buried my face in her chest and cried.

"Emethyst, baby, you are only as lost as you choose to be when there's someone trying to find you." My mom said, her voice echoing.

I let go of her, and looked into her beautiful green eyes. "But, mom-" I said.

"To love, you have to let go." She said, as she looked at me. "If you really want to love, you have to let go." Her voice echoed.

I opened my eyes, and sat up to bleak darkness. I looked around, and saw Ash sound asleep in his bed, along with all of his Pokemon. I saw Rotom Dex asleep on the desk, and Haunter was still sound asleep next to me.

I laid back down on my now wet pillow, and tears continued to well in my eyes. It had all been a dream, a dream that felt so real. The hugs, the tears.. it felt like she was here.

I wiped my eyes, and reached over for my phone to check the time. It was nearly midnight.

I put my phone down, and turned back over to try and go back to sleep, when suddenly, a glowing light emerged from behind me.

"Huh?" I said, hushed but curious. I looked over, and saw the glowing light was coming from my luggage.

Quietly, I got out of bed to check and see what could be glowing in my bag. I lifted up the top, and leafed through my clothes trying to find the source of the light.

I finally grabbed a hold of what was glowing in my luggage, and I was in no way expecting to grab what I grabbed.

Clutched in my hand was my mom's Keystone that she wore as a necklace. It had an icy shein to it, and I was always intrigued by it and Mega Evolution itself. I would love to have a Gengarite and Keystone of my own when Haunter evolves if he ever does, but I would never force him to.

"Did I pack this?" I thought. If I did, I definitely don't remember it. My mom's Keystone was one of her precious treasures.

I clutched the Keystone in hand, and was dumbstruck on how it got into my luggage in the first place. Then, that's when it hit me. In my dream, I was playing with Froslass... my mom's most beloved Pokemon. Then I began to wonder..

I dug through my luggage once more, and under the heap of clothes, was another pokeball. A pokeball I don't remember packing or being there. I gulped.

I looked around, and to my satisfaction everyone was sound asleep. I could use some fresh air, so I got my only pair of black sandals out of my luggage and put them on.

Pokeball and Froslassite in hand; I climbed down the loft and looked around. I saw my dad's familiar figure sound asleep on the couch, his back towards the door. I took this as the perfect opportunity to sneak out onto the beach. I opened the door as quietly as possible, and stepped out onto the porch. I closed the door quietly, and headed down the steps to the beach.

The moon was shining bright on the ocean waves, as they crashed on the shore. I will admit, it was beautiful and peaceful.

I took a deep breath. "Come on out, Froslass."

My mother's icy beauty materialized in front of me. Her white kimono style dress and blue eyes contrasted beautifully with the moon's bright blue color. I was surprised that she came out, because since mom passed away, she refused to come out of her pokeball.

Froslass looked around, sort of confused. Then again I couldn't blame her; I don't think she was used to a beach either, like Haunter.

"Froslass," I said. "This is our new home. Melemele island in the Alola region." I said, trying to comfort her.

Froslass looked at me, and smiled with her eyes. I didn't quite know what that meant, but she seemed to be okay, which was relieving.

Froslass was my mom's most beloved Pokemon. She had raised her since she was a just a tiny Snorunt. I don't know the full story, but I know my mom and her were very close since she was a child. When mom passed away, she was so depressed she wouldn't even come out of her pokeball until now. I'm just happy that she seems to be okay.

"Froslass, are you okay?" I asked her. I wondered how she was, seeming how I hadn't seen her in a while.

Froslass looked at me, her eyes saddened. "Fros." She said.

I sighed sadly. "I know, I miss mom too." I said. I clutched the Keystone in hand. "But hey- look what mom gave me." I said, as I presented the stone to her.

Froslass's eyes widened, as she took the necklace into her own icy humanoid hand. She looked at it, as if she found something nostalgic.

Tears welled into Froslass's eyes, as she clutched the Keystone. When her tears fell, they formed to ice.

Realizing that I may have hurt her, I hugged her close. "I'm sorry, Froslass. I didn't mean to make you sad." I said, as I hugged her icy, floating body. Tears welled in my eyes too, for I realized that Froslass is the only thing I had left of my mom now.

Froslass wrapped her hands around me, hugging me close.

Suddenly, I felt a blast of sorts hit Froslass in the back, the force causing Froslass to fall on top of me.

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