There is Life ❤️

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Emethyst's POV

We were now back at my dad's. I sat on my bed with Mimikyu sitting by my side. Froslass was resting in the corner, and I was letting Gengar get some well needed rest inside of his Pokeball. Ash sat on the couch across from me. Pikachu and Rockruff were playing on the floor. I don't know what my dad was doing, but I didn't really care at the moment.

I couldn't take my eyes of off my newly obtained Z Ring. I still couldn't believe I was wearing it. The sun shining from the above window made the purple color shine, along with the purple Ghostium Z.

I heard Ash chuckle. "Hard to believe you're wearing it, huh?" He said.

I looked up at his familiar brown eyes, and nodded. "Yeah.. it's crazy. I never dreamed this would be my life two months ago.." I said, as I looked off to the side.

"I know what you mean," Ash said. "I could hardly believe it either when I was given my Z ring by Tapu Koko." He added. "It all started when I was here on vacation with my mom, and I ended up staying here so I could take part in the island challenge!" Ash exclaimed, getting excited with every word.

I giggled at him, for I did enjoy his positive energy. "That's cool." I said. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and unlocked it. I went to go do something, but I forgot what I was going to do in that moment. My phone must have been in view, because he asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

"Oh, is that your mom?" He asked.

I looked back up at his brown eyes, and felt kind of sad now. He did ask about what happened to her, and I knew I would have to tell him. Besides, I was confident I could talk about her without crying. "Yeah." I said, as I nodded. I allowed a small smile to keep the sad feeling from coming on.

Ash sat down on my bed to the right of me. "Wow, really? She's very pretty. Professor has good taste!" He exclaimed happily. "Where she is now?" He asked.

I looked over at him, and took a deep breath. "Yeah, she was." I said, as I nodded again. I hoped that answered his question without going into detail. Did he not remember the conversation earlier at Kahuna Hala's?

Ash's smile quickly faded. I could see in his face that he now understood. "Oh..." He said, kind of hushed now. "I'm really sorry, Emethyst. I had no idea." He apologized.

I shrugged, and allowed a small smile. "It's okay." I said. "I'm getting stronger every single day. Before, I couldn't even hold a conversation about her without crying." I said, truthfully. Had we had this conversation when I came here a week and some change ago; I would no doubt be in full tears right now.

Ash still looked at me, sadly. "Man, still." He said. "That must have been awful. I'm really sorry, Emethyst. I kind of wish I would have known sooner." He added.

"I'm actually surprised my dad didn't tell you." I said, truthfully.

"Well, he told me you were gonna come live with him and that was it. He didn't say anything else." Ash explained, sadness in his voice.

I exhaled loudly. "Yeah, that sounds about right. He probably didn't want to upset you with the real reason. But, no worries." I said happily, as I tried to cheer Ash up. I wanted him to see I was okay; Despite everything I had been through.

"Emethyst, I hope this isn't weird," Ash began. "But, is it weird that I see you as kind of like my big sister?" He said, finally.

I laughed at that. "Not at all," I said. "I see you as the annoying little brother I was never given." I laughed again, and shoved him a bit. I actually enjoyed Ash's company; Even though he could be a bit annoying from time to time.

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