Chapter 40

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Well I just got word my state is now closed until May 8th. Ugghhh. This quarantine will be the death of me. Love you guys!

Chapter 40

Emethyst's POV

Before I knew it; The dance had ended. I was exhausted, and was sure I looked an even hotter mess by this point. My braid was frizzy, and I felt my makeup sweating off. I was itching for a shower bad. My feet were also beginning to hurt from the heels.

I pulled my phone out of my breasts, and checked the time. I was surprised to see it was 11pm. I went outside, to see everyone gathered with their moms saying their goodbyes and such. A soft breeze blew around me; cooling me off from the hot and clammy dance hall.

My feet were beginning to kill me, so I took the heels off and carried them back. I decided to head back to the Pokemon Center, and get a head start to the shower before any of the other girls did. However, my feet were hurting really bad, which was slowing me down quite a bit to the point I was limping a bit.

Gengar must have noticed my discomfort, because he did something I wasn't expecting him to do. He got on all fours, and lowered his back. "Uh, Gengar.. you want me to get on your back?" I asked him, as I stopped walking.

"Gengar, Gengar!" He exclaimed, as he nodded, still on all fours. 

I smiled. "Wow, such a big gentle Pokemon. You would never do this as a Haunter." I said, as I sat on his back princess style, seemed how I was wearing a dress. Froslass also got on with me, and sat next to me. I never realized I could ride on Gengar's back, especially with how big he was. I looked around his back behind me, and noticed he could probably fit one more person and their Pokemon on here, depending on what the Pokemon was. He floated up just slightly above the ground. However this made me nervous, because I turned into a big sissy when it came to heights. I was maybe five feet off the ground.

"Please don't go any higher than this." I told him, as I looked down at him. He was floating slowly, and being gentle. It surprised me, because he was so rambunctious as a Haunter. Maybe evolution also helped maturity? I patted his back, as I felt his spikes. He still felt insubstantial, like he could melt away any second.

"There you are!" I heard my dad exclaim, as he caught up with us. "You disappeared so suddenly." He said. I was eye level with him now, thanks to Gengar.

I nodded. "Yeah, my feet were beginning to hurt and I wanted a headstart so I could shower." I said. My feet felt so much better now that I was off of them. "I could barely walk, so Gengar gave me a lift." I giggled, as I patted his back.

"So I see," My dad said. "Now that I do think of it, he is big enough to be a ride Pokemon." He said, and smiled.

I tilted my head to the side at him, confused, still clutching my heels. "Ride Pokemon?" I asked. I had never heard of such a thing. I mean, I knew some Pokemon were ridable, such as Ponyta and Rapidash.

"Yes. People all over Alola use ride Pokemon from time to time. Kiawe has a Charizard as his ride Pokemon, and Lana has a Lapras. It looks like you now have Gengar." My dad smiled and explained.

I nodded and smiled, as I now understood. "Wow. Looks like I get to go to Pokemon School in style now." I giggled and winked. I looked down at Gengar. "That's if Gengar is okay with letting me ride him more often, right buddy?" I said, as I rubbed his spikes again.

"Gengar!" Gengar nodded happily. Looks like I would be riding Gengar more now.

"Oh yeah, I have a small question for you, Emethyst." My dad said, as he looked off to the side as if he were nervous.

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