Chapter 17

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Not much to really say. Enjoy this chapter! :)

Chapter 17

Emethyst's POV

Snowy, Haunter, and I walked up the path to my dad's house. The sun had almost completely set, as it was now almost dark. I saw some lights on that weren't on when I left; so that told me that they were home. I breathed a slight sigh of relief. However; the front door swung open before I could even get up the steps. My dad walked out, and closed the door behind him.

"There you are, Emethyst!" He exclaimed, as if he had been worried. "Where have you been?" He asked me.

I felt my eyebrow raise. I wasn't used to this behavior. My mom pretty much let me go out as much as I wanted, even as much as leaving me home alone for some time as I got older. Seeing my dad literally step out of the door before I could even get up the steps told me that he was watching for me. But, I guess I can't give him too much of a hard time. I shrugged. "I came home right after school, and the Pokemon and I got hungry. I looked in the kitchen to see if there was anything quick I could eat, but there wasn't much of nothing. So we went into town and got something quick." I explained.

My dad nodded in approval. "Okay, just let someone know next time. I saw you left your phone here, so that kind of worried me." He said.

I instinctively pat my pockets, and realized I only had my wallet on me. I completely forgot about my phone. Normally that was the first thing that I shoved in my pocket. "Oh wow. Totally just realized I didn't have my phone on me," I said. I then looked down at Snowy and smiled. "I guess I was more concerned with Snowy."

My dad smiled. "Well... You have a visitor." My dad said, as he looked back at the door.

I scrunched my nose in shock. "Umm.. who?" I asked, unsure.

"Well, come see for yourself." He said, as he opened the front door and walked inside. I hesitantly propelled myself forward, to see who could possibly be here to see me.

"OH MY GOSH, IS SHE HERE YET?!?!" I heard a rather high pitched female voice screech in excitement from inside. Not one I recognized either. This kind of scared me.

I walked up the steps into the doorway, where I was met with the familiar aquarium in view as I walked in. Snowy and Haunter stopped at my side. I was then met with a Pokemon running at me. It looked to be a dog Pokemon. It had beautiful blue eyes, and a long snout with sharp canines. It was a light brown in color, and also had sort of a mane. It also had a set of three sharp claws on each foot, and a white fluffy tail. It looked a little angry as well.

The dog Pokemon stopped right at my feet, and began sniffing me

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The dog Pokemon stopped right at my feet, and began sniffing me. From my legs, down to my feet. I was a little hesitant on what I should do at that point. I didn't know if I should pet it, or just let it sniff me.

The Pokemon then stopped sniffing me, and it's angry face disappeared. It immediately got excited, and to my surprise it jumped on me; causing me to fall on my back. "WHOA!" I screamed. The dog then began licking it's warm tongue on my face, as if it hadn't seen me in forever. "HEY!" I yelled as I laughed, slightly confused.

I then heard footsteps rushing over to me. "Lycanroc! Get off of her right now!" I heard the female voice yell.

The dog Pokemon then stopped licking me, and quickly stepped off of me. The woman and my dad rushed over to help me up.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry! I didn't think Lycanroc would charge at you like that. Are you okay?" She asked, super apologetically.

I brushed myself off, and looked over at Snowy and Haunter to make sure they were okay; which they were. The smell of sweet perfume then caught my nostrils. "Yeah, I'm okay," I said, still a little dazed and confused. "Thanks."

I then turned my attention to the woman, and I could confirm that I didn't know who she was. Was she my visitor? She was also dressed very... Well, interestingly to say the least.

She wore a light pink top with a design going down the sides with an off-white cover over

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She wore a light pink top with a design going down the sides with an off-white cover over. She also wore some hot pink shorts, and chunky jewelry. Her gray beaded necklace had pink and blue jewels dangling from it and she also sported a pink gem earring in her left ear. She had short black hair that was slightly waved, and wore very loud makeup.

The expression on my face must have given myself away. "Oh come on, Emethyst," she said, as she put her hands on her hips. "Don't pretend like you don't remember me."

My eyebrow raised. "Um... But I really don't think I do?" I said, as my confusion set in. If this lady was a psychic type, she would have knocked me on my butt. I looked over at my dad, and I take he could tell that I was lost.

The woman then laughed. "Well, maybe you don't. You were really young, after all. But that's okay. Oh Emethyst, it's so good to see you again!" She exclaimed, as she came over to me with her arms wide open. Suddenly, she had tripped out of nowhere and fell flat on her stomach. At this point, I wasn't sure what I should do. However, she immediately got up and opened her arms wide. "Oh I'm fine! Sorry about that." She said, as she got up and hugged me tight.

I hugged her back with one arm, still really confused. I looked at my dad, and raised my eyebrow.

"Emethyst, this is Olivia. The Island Kahuna of Akala Island. She used to babysit you when you were really little." My dad finally answered, taking away my confusion. It finally made sense now. "You and her then Rockruff used to play together all the time. That's probably why he jumped on you." He said, smiling nervously.

"Oh, okay." I said, as I giggled a little, understanding now.

"Oh Emethyst, as soon as I found out you were in Alola, I just couldn't wait until Monday! I had to come see you!" She exclaimed happily. "Your father and mother have been good long time friends of mine." She then finally let go of me. She then looked behind me, and noticed the Pokemon that were behind me.

"Oh my! Are these Pokemon yours?" She asked, as she walked over to Haunter and Snowy.

I turned around to face her. "Well, Haunter is. Snowy is a classmate's Pokemon. I have her this weekend for a project, and the classmate has my mother's Froslass." I explained.

Olivia then turned around to face me. She gasped. "You mean Crystal's Snorunt finally evolved?! It's about time! How is Crystal these days? Where is she?" She asked.

I felt my eyes increase ten times in size it felt like. Does she not know? I thought. I looked over to my dad, and could tell that he looked uncomfortable too. I wasn't sure if I should be the one to tell her or not, but my father stayed silent. Of course. I thought.

"Uh, Olivia.." I said, hesitantly. "I don't know any easier way to say this, but um-" I stammered. "My mother passed away a month or so ago..."

Small cliffie. Hope you guys enjoy! ;) Next chapter will be up soon.

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