Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Emethyst's POV

Haunter, Snowy, and I walked down the busy sidewalk, where we saw big groups of people and their Pokemon walking together. The sun was beginning to set a little, making the scenery a bright, vivid orange.

Snowy walked a little ahead of me; I guess she knew where she wanted to go. Haunter was floating next to me, his expression cheery. I allowed a small smile, as I watched the two of them walk happily.

"Vul!" Snowy said happily, as she looked up at me while wagging her six tails as she walked.

I looked down at her

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I looked down at her. "I'm happy you're happy, Snowy." Haunter then floated by me, and began making one of his weird faces again. That meant that he was happy as well. "You too, buddy." I said to Haunter, as I pat the center of his head.

Suddenly, Snowy stopped walking and ran over to a nearby Malasada shop. Snowy then jumped upon the window, and began looking inside all the while wagging her six tails.

I joined her at the window, looking in on the colorful Malasadas that were on display

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I joined her at the window, looking in on the colorful Malasadas that were on display. Not exactly what I had in mind, but it'll do. They all looked so good. Plus, I could use a little sweetness in my life.

I looked down at Snowy, and smiled. "I assume you want a Malasada?" I asked her.

"Vul!" She said, as she looked over to me and back at the beautiful display. I happily obliged, and walked over to the door and walked inside. I held the door open for Snowy and Haunter. The shop was mostly empty, and the smell of fresh fried dough was in the air. Snowy immediately ran up to the counter, and jumped up at the pink iced ones. "Vulpix, Vulpix!" She exclaimed.

I giggled. "Slow down, Snowy. I assume you want a pink one?" I said, as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket. Haunter then looked at the Malasada display in the shop, and pointed his purple pointy finger to the brown one with cream filling, I assumed to be chocolate. I looked over at him, smiling. "And I assume you want a chocolate one?" I smiled over at him.

"Haunt haunt haunt haunt!" He cheered. I turned my smile over to the glass, and looked at all the colors. The green ones caught my eye, so I went for the green.

The cashier, who looked to be a middle age woman with pink hair and blue eyes, came over to the cash register. "Hello, what can I get you?" She asked.

"Yes, I'll take three Malasadas please. One pink iced, one chocolate iced with cream, and one green iced." I smiled, as I reached into my wallet for the pokecoins.

The cashier rang up the Malasadas. "Would you like to add a fourth one? They're four for a dollar." She said, suggestively.

That sounded like a good deal, but I knew we only needed one each. I looked back at the cashier and shook my head. "No thanks. I'll just take the three." I said, as I got my money ready.

"Okay, it's a dollar seventy-five." She said. I handed her two dollars worth of pokecoins and got my twenty-five cents back. I watched the lady put on some gloves, and take the requested Malasadas out of the display and put them on a tray. She then passed the tray to me over the counter. "Thank you, hope you enjoy!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you." I said, as I smiled at her. I took the tray, and found a seat on the opposite side of the shop. Haunter and Snowy sat on one side, and I sat on the other.

Snowy did not waste time. The moment I put the tray down, she dove right into the pink iced one.

Haunter then picked up the chocolate with cream filling one, and dove right into it as well

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Haunter then picked up the chocolate with cream filling one, and dove right into it as well. He smiled big as he chewed. Seeing the two of them happy made me happy. I then picked up my green one, and took a big bite out of it. My taste buds were immediately met with the taste of apples. The flavor was so rich, yummy, and fresh; something I wasn't entirely used to. It reminded me of when my mom would take me out once in a blue moon to get some sweets, but this was a rarity because my mother was tight on income.

Within a minute or two, all three of us had eaten our Malasada. My hunger pain was gone, and the inside of my stomach felt warm and happy, something I haven't felt in a long time. I took the tray up, and threw the trash into a nearby trashcan, and sat the tray on top.

"Alright you too, let's get home before my dad freaks out." I said, as I held the door open for them. Snowy walked out, and Haunter floated behind.

"Thank you, come again!" The pink haired lady cashier exclaimed at us, and waved.

I waved back. "Thank you, we will!" I exclaimed back. 

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