"Do we have to celebrate I know we won the MTV award but I'm tired," I asked.
" Yes, Yeosang Hongjoong will break our necks if we don't go down and party with them," San said looking at me.
I mentally cried I don't want to go downstairs I wanted to stay up here and cuddle with my stuffed bear named nini. But it looks like I have to. I got up and threw my hood up and walked downstairs. I looked and say Wooyoung messing Yunho, while Hongjoong and Seonghwa were talking while drinking wine. I chuckled at them.
"Where are the other brats?" I asked sitting next to seonghwa trying not to blush.
"They're in Jongho's room watching Disney movies," Wooyoung said.
I nodded my head and grabbed a liter of sprite and sat down taking a sip of the soda. Looking around eyes landing on the tv that was playing Spongebob. Slowly I could myself slipping.
"EEEH!" I let out a yelp.
San and Wooyoung turned to me and gave me a look, the others looked at me.
"What's wrong sangie?" HongJoong asked.
'I-I'm fine." I answered.
"Sangie if you're not okay you can go to your room and rest," Seonghwa said.
I looked away and stood up trying to hide my blush. I quickly ran to my room and shut the door and grabbed Nini. Sitting on my bed I hugged Nini to my chest.
"Nini what I do now hwa no wuv me or chu," I mumbled tears threating to spill from my eyes.
I hugged Nini a while longer before getting up and putting on my cute pajamas.
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(you can choose the socks)
I laid on my bed and pulled up my favorite blanket with little UFOs and planets along with my blue and green paci. closing my eyes holding Nini close to my heart. I let out some more tears.
"Hey, yeosan... Hey, why are you crying?" I heard a voice.
I turned and saw seonghwa. Making grabby hands to him.
"Awww. Why is my baby crying?" he coos.
"Big Sangie wuv chu and scared chu no wuv him," I tell Hwa.
"Baby, can I ask you a question before I tell you what you should tell big sangie?" he asked.
"Are you a little?" he asked smiling.
I nodded and nuzzled my face into Nini.
"Who's this sangie?" he asked pulling me on his lap.
"Nini!" I say.
"You're so cute." I heard him mumble under his breath.
"Tell big Sangie that I love him with all my heart." He said.
I nodded and nuzzled my face into his chest rubbing my eyes.
"Mama I tired." I yawned.
"Mama?" He questioned.
I looked up and saw i was sitting on my hyung.
"Sorry Hyung i-i d-didn't want you to see me like this," I said looking away from him.
"Sangie I thought you were a cute little and I'll be your mama if you let me," he said making me slip.
"M-mama," I said looking at him.
"Yes, baby mama now let's go to sleep." He said laying down putting me on his chest.
I listened to mama's heartbeat lulling me to sleep.
"Night baby." I heard him whisper.
That was the last thing I heard before falling asleep with a smile on my face.
_______________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed this cuteness. As much as I hate writing cute stuff it happens and my soul tries to come back but it's okay. Sorry if its fucked up.