Hey, Lyrics I'm sorry I forgot about this! But I'm here feeding you guys! Now if you remember the previous part mingi has little space and he's been getting hate and has been avoiding the members.
I feel bad every time I go out with the member's the antis are there saying shit. I just have to keep up the fake smile and the members will continue to belive me that i'm fine. Currently, i'm in my room sitting down trying to keep myself from leaving and going into san's room and steal shiber. I grabbed my phone and open it going to Twitter looking at the comments that the antis have left.
FixOFF: Damn again with this hoe! He's back and I was just getting used to HongJoong as a center and now Mama and a new comeback with him! OFF ME NOW.
songmyMingi: @FixOFF Then off yourself you nasty ass bitch! we love mingi for who he is and the fact that he whipped out his tiddies on stage.
Tears came to my eyes why do people hate me so much? What did I do to them? I heard a knock on my door. I wiped away my tears and cleared my throat.
"who is it?" I asked.
" HongJoong baby." I heard him.
"Come in," I replied.
The door opened and HongJoong walked over to my bed and sat next to me.
"What's wrong baby? Why have you been avoiding us?" He asked.
I looked away debating if I should tell him.
"Nothing is wrong joongie, i'm sorry I've been avoiding you guys I was just upset for no reason," I said.
I was pulled into a hug and I could feel myself slipping.
"Mingi tell me baby. You can tell me anything remember." He said.
I nodded into his shoulder. Pulling myself out of the hug.
"Daddy Atiny meanies!" I said pointing at my phone.
I watched as Joongie reached for my phone. I got of the bed and ran to my closet getting my stuffed lion woo.
"Daddy go see mama hwa!" I said pulling on him.
He looked down at me and nodded.
"Yes baby lets go see mama." He said grabbing my hand.
I pulled Joongie towards hwa's room. I threw the door open and saw Seonghwa on the bed reading a book. I let go of HongJoong's hand and ran to hwa.
"Mama hwa!" I said jump on the bed crawling over to him.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"How's my baby I haven't see you in a while?" He asked
I felt tears build in my eyes.
"Gigi sowwy mama Gigi didn't mean to leave chu! Awiny mean to Gigi!"I sobbed into his shoulder.I was pulled onto his lap and he looked down at me and kissed my forehead.
"Hey baby don't cry we'll take care of it." He says.
"Hey Joongie can you go and make him a bottle?" I heard seonghwa asked.
I yawned and cuddled into his chest. Hand clinging onto his shirt.
"Hold on baby daddy went to go get your bottle then we can cuddle okay?" He said.
I nodded tired from crying. I heard footsteps coming.
"Here hwa." Hongjoong said sitting next to hwa.
Seonghwa put the bottle infront of my mouth. I opened my mouth and started drinking getting tired from the milk. I stopped drinking.
Seonghwa put me on the bed and lied down next to me and so did Hongjoong.
"We love you Mingi and don't let anti Atiny bother you." Hongjoong said.
"Wuv chu too mama and dada." I whispered.
The rest of the day was spent cuddling there baby and the little mermaid.

ATEEZ oneshots one {Requests are closed}
FanfictionRequest are open. I'll do smuts, fluff, and Mpreg. Boyxboy Boyxgirl