Chapter 14: The Reveal

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Chara pulled Sans close to her, rubbing her face against his skull. She was shaking wildly, but she was starting to feel much better with his presence there. She nearly jumped when Papyrus spoke, as she had forgotten he was there.

"I'm afraid I know the cause of these nightmares." Papyrus said with a tired sounding sigh. "And I think I know who's responsible for the note I found."

Chara looked up at Papyrus, surprised. He was slouched against the bedroom doorframe, looking almost miserable.

"Who?" Sans asked, tensing.

"Liz." Papyrus replied. "She's responsible for the note and the bad dreams. I know this for a fact." He closed his eyes. "I recognize her handwriting. I know she has the power to visit and manipulate dreams."

Chara remembered the strange look Liz had given her the day before. She believed Papyrus.

"But...why?" Sans asked quietly. " Why would she want to harm Chara?" He shook his head. "I...I can't believe it. He hasn't even met her!"

Papyrus looked at Sans. "She's a human, Sans. Remember when you wanted to capture her to join the Royal Guard?" When Sans nodded, Papyrus went on. "Well it's Liz's duty to capture a human. It's her job. Unfortunately I don't think she'll back down and accept Chara as a friend to monsters." He sighed again.

Chara understood. She knew that she was possibly the only source of freedom for monsters. She'd been hoping another human would come along...but...she couldn't hide from those who wanted her forever.


Feeling terrified, Sans kept Chara against him. His soul seemed to squirm with terror. He couldn't understand why anyone would be after his precious human, let alone a friend of Papyrus.

"Maybe you should talk to her." Sans said, gazing up at his brother. "Maybe she'll change her mind."

Papyrus let out a bitter laugh and shook his head. "I'm afraid not, brother. I know how much she wants to get Chara. She's...dead set on capturing her."

Sans felt hopeful still. "So was I! But I changed my mind, right?"

"Not everyone is as good as you." Papyrus said with a sigh. "No...she's stubborn. She'd capture Chara or die trying. Nothing anyone can say will stop her."

Sans felt scared for Chara. He kept her tight against his bony body. "How do you know this, Papyrus?" He asked, determined to get answers.

Papyrus chuckled. "Ah, bro, I know Liz incredibly well." He stepped away from the doorframe. "Don't be mad at me. I lied the other day, Sans. I really did once have feelings for someone else. And that was Liz." He looked at Sans.

"But...but I never...I thought..." Sans couldn't finish his sentence. Confusion made him dizzy. He was just glad to have Chara with him. "Since when? Why didn't you tell me?" He finally asked.

Papyrus gave him a pitying smile. "I guess I can't hide it any longer. I suppose it's time to tell you everything."


Chara still didn't speak. She was too stunned to speak. All she could do was shudder at Papyrus's ominous words as she gazed at him, glad to have Sans holding her.

"It all started when I was younger, and you were little more than a baby bones." Papyrus told Sans. "I met Liz by luck when I was out for a stroll. She had been going for a walk as well." He chuckled. "She lived a very isolated life. It was just her and her busy mother in Flowey Village." Papyrus explained. "We met and talked about...well, life. I realized how lonely she was and...well, I became her first true friend." He looked nostalgic. "We met every day and talked. This went on for...oh, about three years, I'd imagine. Three or four. Give or take." He looked sad. "I...I felt like I really could be a good partner to her. I loved being around Liz. Hell, I loved everything about the girl."

Chara understood how he felt. That was exactly how she felt about Sans. She listened curiously as Papyrus continued.

"I... I wanted to tell her how I felt but I couldn't." Papyrus closed his eyes. "She had one goal in her life, and I wasn't sure she even wanted me to be a part of it: she wanted to move away from Flowey Village. To live a better life with more dignity and wealth. day she told me she was leaving."


Sans felt sorry for his brother. It must've hurt a lot to have someone he was close to just leave him. He listened as his brother went on.

"Liz told me she found a job farther away. She said it would involve experiments on human souls. It was cantered around humans. How using their souls could help us get out of the underground. She'd learn how to capture and kill humans." Papyrus explained sadly. "Then she left and...well, I never saw her again in person. But she has the power to visit and manipulate dreams. She visited me for a short while before stopping altogether. I'd assumed she'd moved on. And I suppose I wasn't wrong." He let out a bitter chuckle. "I kept her a secret because I couldn't bear to remember her. I also felt like she was my little secret friend. And crush."

Sans thought it was cute.

"Is that why you told me to stick close to you and Sans yesterday?" Chara asked. She glanced at Sans, who was confused. "He told me to when you were patrolling." She explained. He nodded, understanding.

"Yeah." Papyrus said. "I can't ignore this any longer. I have to do something. I guess." He put his hands in his pockets. "I'll think of something. You two just stay here for the day." He left the room.

Sans knew what he wanted to do. He'd talk to Liz. Get her to befriend Chara. Then maybe he'd convince her to date his brother!

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