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〈 Corbyn 〉

I was going to the locker room when I heard someone crying.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

I slowly opened the locker of the girl crying to see her face more.

"My b- boyfriend and I br- broke up." she sobbed.

I fold my lips.

"Oh, i'm sorry. You didn't deserve that, i'm sure he was looking at the wrong perspective." I said.

She wiped her cheeks and revealed her red face.

"What happened? I have time" I offered.

We went to the bleachers as it was both our break times and sat down.

"Before I start, hi, i'm Christina" she chuckled and lend out a hand.
"Corbyn" I shook her hand.
"Hey you're the new kid!" she pointed at me.
"Yeah" I nodded, smiling.
"Ugh kids at my English class fucking adore you" she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Oops, excuse my language. Can't help it" she quickly added.
"Oh I- it's nothing" I shook my head.

She took a bite from her Subway while I drank from my waterbottle.

"So what happened?" I asked.
"Basically," she pats her hands together to take off crumbs. "I introduced my friend to her like a week ago and after that day, well, they began seeing each other and he today opened up to me and said they were official after the day I introduced her to him." she explained.

I nodded.

"He must be blind" I chuckled.
"Oh yeah?" she asked.
"Yeah because, look at you, i've only met you today and I already know how sweet you are. He must have missed some things" I said.
"Aw thanks, that's so nice of you" she smiled.
"So you okay now?" I asked.
"I mean it was only like thirty minutes ago so no. You made me feel better though" she replied.

I smiled.

"How?" I asked with curiosity.
"Well you see, I just got the chance to talk to you and i've already saw your true personality. Glad you changed schools" she replied.

I chuckled.

I then saw a familiar blonde walking towards me.

"Oh I- is that your girlfriend?" she asked, looking back at Amanda.
"Nah, she's my childhood friend" I replied to which she nodded at.
"Hey you coming to the party this Friday?" I asked her as I put on my backpack.
"Mhm, you're going as well?" she asked back.
"Yeah. Anyway I gotta go to Science" I said.
"Nice meeting you Corbyn" she smiled.

I didn't got the chance to reply back as I was a bit late for Science.

"Um where did you go? I thought you just finished your French class? We're five minutes late from class" she sighed.
"Sorry, sorry" I said.
"It's good" she shrugged and we entered Science class.

I was about to sit down when our teacher caught us.

Damn it.

"Mister Besson and Miss Aldis? Where did you two go?" she asked, crossing her arms in her chest.
"I- i'm sorry, my cramps were just hurting bad" Amanda lied.
"That's not an excuse girly girl!" a brunette retort.
"Detention after classes for the both of you." she stated.

Amanda's face dropped and looked at me.


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