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〈 Corbyn 〉

"Hey Ash! Check this out" Jordan yelled from the living room.

Ashley's stomps was then felt on the floor as she ran upto Jordan.

They bursted out of laughter.

"Dude, why do I look so ugly in that photo?!" Ashley exclaimed.
"You were literally five in that pic" Jordan laughed.
"Look at Corbyn!," Ashley then chuckled. "Corbyn! Look at this!"

With a sigh but a mixture of curiosity, I stood up from my bed doing homework and walked towards them.

"What is it?" I asked with a smile.
"Look," Ashley showed me the screen of Jordan's phone.

It was our family photo back in two thousand six at Amanda's family's house.

We looked like new born ducks.

"Why does your head look so round in that photo Ash?" I laughed, zooming at it.

Jordan then realizes and laughed with me, giving me a high-five.

"You guys are mean. Look at Jordan, you had Justin Bieber's hair" Ashley snickers.
"At least I don't look like Peppa in here" he shot back.

I laughed.

"Look at me, I look like a dang rock star" I said confidently.
"In your dreams corbone" Jordan playfully rolled his eyes and I smacked the back of his head.
"Ow" he rubbed it.
"Omg mom looks young in this" Ashley exclaims.
"Hey I still do!" mom then yelled from outside.

We laughed.

"Yeah mom whatever" Jordan cupped his mouth.
"Stop yelling in my ear" Ashley scoffs in a playful way.

I then swiped the screen and saw a photo of Ashley when she was two, wearing a cute 'lil bikini.

Jordan and I bursted out of laughter.

"Yo you look like an egg her Ash what the heck" Jordan said before getting hit by a pillow by Ashley.
"You actually do!" I joked and I got hit by her as well.

Ashley swiped, only to see more photos of her.

"Why the heck do you have these kind pictures?!" Ashley laughed. "I swear you're not a family member."

I took the phone from the both of them and showed a picture of Jordan without any clothes on, playing on our inflatable pool.

Jordan immediately gets embarrassed and grabbed the phone from me.

"Tiny weeny!" Ashley yelled.
"Oh my God, Ashley Mae!" Jordan groaned, causing Ashley and I to laugh more.

These goofs.

"You're disgusting, Ashley." I chuckled.
"Why? I bet it still is" she smirked.
"EW!" Jordan and I yelled.
"Change your topic, jeez" I said.
"You're only saying that 'cause you're affected as well" she added.
"I certainly am not" I shook my head.

Ashley and Jordan fights for his phone, which just made me chuckle.

As they fought childishly, I saw Amanda at door with her mom across the street, saying goodbye to his dad.

Was he already leaving?

Respecting their privacy, I chose not to go at her place.

But I can tell she was actually sad while Uncle Ronald hugged her and got his luggages.

"Keep safe dad!" I heard her yell.

Her dad just nodded and soon after their goodbyes, the taxi arrived.

Uncle waved one last time before entering the taxi.

As soon as the taxi zooms off, Amanda ran to her room.

My brows knit together and I ran to their place.

"Hey dude? Where are you going?"


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