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〈 Amanda 〉

It was now a little bit after five pm, and Ashley just finished buying her stuff.

Corbyn also bought his alien suit that we thought would be so funny and cute at the same time.

"You're gonna be the most angelic angel ever" I tell Ashley.

Corbyn clears his throat.

"And you are gonna be the one whose outfit is out of the world" I smirked before bursting out of laughter.

He and Ashley laughs.

"Shut up A" Corbyn said.

I chuckled.

We exit the mall with paper bags in hand.

"I'm so excited to see you wear that Corby, you'll literally look so cute!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah?" he looked at me.
"Mhm, bet Christina will marry you right the second she sees you" I tease him.
"Shut upp" he laughed, dragging the 'p'.
"I really want to know that Christina girl" Ashley frowned.

Corbyn and I chuckled.

"You don't need to know about her, Ash" I said.
"Fine, I won't tell things about Jack" she held back a smile.

Corbyn looked back at her as we walked towards the car.

"Jack?" his eyebrows knit.

We enter the car and Ashley sat in the back whilst I sat beside Corbyn.

I burst out laughing.

"S- sorry" I fold my lips and giggled.
"Who's Jack?" he asked.
"Jack Avery, he's a junior. Sydnie's little brother" I explained.

Ashley's eyes widen.

"Amanda!" she whisper-exclaimed.
"What? He was asking, i'm sorry" I chuckled and she pouts.
"Oh, so i'm expecting Jack at the party tomorrow?" Corbyn asked.
"Totally" I replied and Ashley huffs.
"What? Come on Ash, i'm sorry. He needed to know" I looked at Ashley at the back and rubbed her knee.

She sighs and avoided eye contact at me.

"Come on i'll do your make up" I suggested.

Her face lits up.

She sighs, "Fine." she laughed.

I nodded, smiling.

As we continued to talk, we didn't realize we were home.

"See you tomorrow Amanda!" Ashley waved happily.

I waved back with a dry laugh.

Corbyn suddenly runs upto me.

I tilt my head, confused.

"Hey, when I told your mom you were at the mall, she was pretty mad" he whispered.

My heart started to pound.

"Wh- what?" I asked.
"Yeah," he nodded. "I'm just telling you in case she would do what she did last time I remember." he replied.

Once when we were little kids, I was two and Corbyn was four, we went out and played with mud.

I crossed my play-curfew and my mom grounded me from playing for a week and took out all of my toys.

It was also the last day I saw Corbyn since they moved away.

I shook my head from the memory and I felt Corbyn rub my back with a slight hug.

"I- I should get going. Careful, A" he smiled.
"Yeah, thanks so much" I smiled back and he crossed the street, going back to his house.

With a shaky breath, I slowly went up to the house and knocked.

Within seconds after I knocked, mom opened the door widely and had her arms crossed on her chest with her scary-looking face.

"Where the hell did you go?!" she slightly yelled.

I gulped and closed the door behind me.

"I- I went to the mall with Ashley and Corbyn to buy my th- things for the party tomorrow." I replied lowly.
"For the Halloween party?" she asked in a normal voice.
My breathing slowly went back normal, "Yeah"

She remained silent as she prepared our dinner on the table, whilst I put down my bag on our sofa.

"Well just wish i'd change my mind but no, you're not attending that party anymore." she blurted out.


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