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〈 Corbyn 〉

Amanda blinked a couple of times before letting go of my grasp and standing up awkwardly.

"Uh y- you do the webbing stuff, i- i'll mop" she stuttered and I chuckled, handing the mop.

She gets it from me and started mopping the floor.

I chuckled at her awkwarden face and stepped on the table, starting to take off dusts and webs.

This went on after twenty minutes had passed, and the room looked clean and neater than the first time we entered.

Amanda puts the mop to the side whilst I put the dust remover on the top of the clean shelf.

Suddenly, the door opens and Mister Roberts comes inside.

"Wow! Look at this place! It's neat and clean" he exclaimed.
"Right?" Amanda sighs tiredly.
"You two did a great job. Alright! Onto the next room" he clapped.

Amanda rolled her eyes and we both followed Mister Roberts to the next room.

Surprisingly, there were no much students looking at us maybe because we were in a different building.

"Here we go! Welcome to the old classroom of Seniors. We last used this three years ago because some weird and creepy things happen in here." Mister Roberts explained.

I nodded and Amanda all of a sudden hid behind my arm.

"Why?" I asked her, giggling.
"Did you hear that? Creepy things happened here. What if there's ghosts or monsters here? I'm not cleaning" Amanda whispered.
Mister Roberts cleared his throat, "Miss Aldis?"

Amanda goes back to her position.

"Y- yeah, we're gonna clean this. Not that scary" she nervously chuckled.

Mister Roberts leads the way and opened the door for us, revealing a dark, old and big room. Twice bigger than the storage room.

"So since this room is quite big, i'll give you both thirty minutes for this room. You'll leave at exactly three pm and you both can gladly go home" he reminded us.
"Th- thirty minutes?! I personally think we can finish this off earlier, Mister Roberts." Amanda retort.
"Then finish it earlier, Miss Aldis. No one is stopping you. Unless..." he trailed and exited the room.

Amanda moves closer to my side and holds my arm.

I smiled at her actions.

"This room's scary, I think we should get help from the janitor" Amanda whispered.
"Amanda, we cleaned the first room. What's the difference?" I replied a little loud so that she would feel comfortable.

She slowly nodded.

"O- okay! Alright, you little ghosts here come at me!" she yelled and danced around.

I laughed at the sight and got the broom.

"I got my broom" I said.
"Got mine too!" she replied.

We started to sweep the floor and we occasionally covered our mouths and noses because of the amount of dusts formed in this room.

After sweeping, we needed to mop the floor now and Amanda insisted to ask the janitor for two mops as there were no mops in this room.

"Okay! Got the mops, mister janitor was all the way to the third floor" Amanda pants and I pat her back.
"Thanks A" I smiled and got the mop from her.
"Yeah" she replied breathly and I started to mop.

I made my way from the blackboard side to the left corner while Amanda did the same but instead on the right side and without any boards.

Amanda and I finish mopping the two ends of the room so we made our way cleaning the middle.

"Hey Corbs" Amanda said.
"Hm?" I asked, still mopping.
"I- I'm tired, can we take a break or something?" she pouts.
"We got like fourteen minutes more A" I replied and looked at her.

She sighed.

"I know but like i'm really tired and my arms feel like they're gonna fall off" she frowns and sits to the corner.
"Take a break i'll finish this off" I said.
"Nah, just a five minute break would be nice" she shook her head.
"If you say so" I replied.

I continued mopping and it went silent for a while when suddenly a squeak noise came.

Amanda's eyes widen and looked at me.

"C- Corbyn? What was that?" she asked.

The squeak noise repeated twice and it was louder this time.

"RUN!" Amanda yelled and I dropped the mop and we exited the room, not waiting for three pm.


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