〉new kid〈

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〈 Corbyn 〉

In a blink of an eye it was now a Monday morning, and Ashley and I were now at school being toured around by Amanda.

She got greeted by most students that passed by, so i'm guessing she's popular here.

"And that's the Science laboratory. We're dissecting frogs soon which is disgusting" Amanda chuckled.
"Does juniors do that to?!" Ashley exclaimed.
"No, not yet" Amanda replied.
"Oh thank gosh" Ashley quickly sighs.

The bell then rings, causing Amanda to zip her bag open in a swift motion.

"Here's your schedule, the room numbers are also in there. Good luck! See you in Science" she winked, knowing I love Science since we were children.


Two of my subjects passed like a blur and it was now Science, which means I get to be with Amanda.

"Shit! Isn't that the new kid? He's hot"

"I know dude! His face is just gorgeous"

I chuckled and shook my head from the words i've been hearing since my first period.

"Amanda! We're finally having classes together" I sighed, catching her up in walking as we made our way to our seats.

We sat beside each other and put our things down once the teacher entered the classroom.

"Mister Besson, I think you know the drill" she chuckled.

I stood up from my seat and got goosebumps once I felt eyes on me.

"I'm Corbyn Besson, originally from Texas, moved to Virginia and moved here not that long ago. I think this school year would be fun and i'm happy you guys welcome me" he said.

A couple of them claps while Amanda laughs silenty.

"Cringy isn't?" she asked.
"Super" I playfully rolled my eyes.
"It's okay, they will surely love you around Science. No wait, they already love you" she smirked, causing me to laugh a little.


"How'd you do?" she asked as I find Ashley.
"Good I guess" I shrugged.
"Of course you did! You're smart, can't deny" she said.
"I mean" I shrugged again.
She smacked my shoulder, "Don't just shrug at me!" she laughed.
"I'm looking for Ashley" I chuckled as she held my wrist.
"She's already in the car" she said.

I stopped walking and glared at her.

"What! You didn't ask where is she!" she exclaimed.

I laughed.

"Alright then, she might scream at me for like five minutes straight again." I said and she nodded, giggling.

We made our way outside to the parking lot of the school only to see Ashley pouting as she stood beside my car.

"Wow." she said sarcastically.

Amanda burts out of laughter.

"Your brother is lost in this school, luckily I found him" she said.
"Well if you're going to ask me my day was unexplainable, fun, kinda annoying and pretty interesting" Ashley tells us.

We get inside the car and Ashley goes shotgun again.

"How's your day bro?" she asked.
"Dope, it's cool" I said while nodding.
"Did you know girls drool over your brother?" Amanda chuckled.
"WHAT?! Girls?! Drool?! Ew" Ashely playfully rolled her eyes.
"You're so mean to your brother" Amanda said.
"And you think is cute" I sighed.
"True" she shrugged.


a/n: belated happy birthday to our eighteen year-old ashley besson <3

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