〉filthy minded〈

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〈 Corbyn 〉


The school bell rang, causing Amanda and I to get our bags and head over to the cafeteria.

We also brought Ashley along the way.

"Oh My God!!" Ashley squeals, hugging me tightly before we sat down.
"What?" I chuckled confusedly.
"I aced my test on Science." she did a little dance.

Amanda and I glanced at each other and laughed.

"Well done Ash." I said.

She flips her hair and ate her fry.

"Ooh did you guys know Christina was ignoring me the whole time at French?" Amanda whispered and rolled her eyes.
"Why?" I asked, taking a sip from my drink.
"I don't know, did you guys tell anything to her?" she asked.
"Not me" Ashley puts her hands up in surrender.
"Obviously not me" I added.

Ashley and I looked at Amanda.

"What? Are you guys thinking I told something?" she chuckled.
"No..." Ashley finishes her food.
"Come on up, we need to go to Science!" I said, standing up.

Amanda whined.

"Fine, fine." she sighed and she and Ashley stood up from their seats.

Ashley walked left while Amanda and I walked forward and went up the stairs.


"What are our plans tonight? It's Friday, and i'm bored." Amanda asked, crossing her legs.

I shrugged and reached out for my bottle at the nightstand.

"Where's Ashley at?" she asked.
"At her room, she's most likely asleep at this hour." I chuckled.

She looked at her phone.

"I can't believe mom let me have a sleepover with you after like, a decade." she laughed.
"Me neither, thought she'd go beast mode." I added.
"I need food." she frowned.

I laughed and stood up from my bed to get some food.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked, throwing Poptarts to her.
"Around six?" she replied, more in a question tone.
"Oh i'm not letting you out of bed at that time" I said.

Her eyes widen and fold her lips.

I bursted out of laughter and hit her with a pillow.

"You filthy minded little—"

She hit me back with a pillow and we soon started a pillow fight.

Suddenly, Ashley opens the door.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" she exclaimed.
"P- Pillow fighting?" I replied, more in a question tone.
"You guys started without me?" she asked before running in my bed and started hitting us with pillows.


a/n: filler :)

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